MLV App [Qt]
New in v1.2:
- Changed vertical stripes algorithm
- Added FCPXML selection assistant
- Added MLV drop event to viewer area
- Bugfix for Vibrance slider
- Raw level sliders and dual iso rework
- Changed auto raw black level repair to a new button
- Scripts reworked (OSX only)
- Added script for proxy file cleaning (OSX only)
- Added option to remember last playback position when changing between clips
- Auto deactivate WB picker when leaving viewer
- Reworked processing of clips with less than 14bit
- Made docks resizeable
- Improvements for Windows screen scaling
- Multi preview column/row preview for session list
- Toggle preview area between left and bottom
- Added saving question on Quit (can be disabled)
- Added "Recent Files" menu, Ctrl+R / CMD+R reopens last used session
- Added reveal in Finder/Explorer/Nautilus
- Added open MLV in external program function
- Added single frame Cinema DNG export (uncompressed and lossless)
- Many many other changes and fixes
Minimum OS:
- OSX 10.8.5 Mountain Lion
- Windows 7
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS