Bicomatics Platform and Dashboard
install php vendor
composer install
install npm packages and compile js for production
npm install
npm run prod
for Deployment
npm run watch
for Development
Create .env file like .env.example file and modify server credentials and
Change QUEUE_CONNECTION to redis
Change BROADCAST_DRIVER to redis
Change CACHE_DRIVER to redis
Add fireBase Token to this file "deliverySchema\database\seeds\UsersSeeder.php" In Each Value for Red & Gold and Foucus while Adding
Remove "Here" and Put Tokens
'application_name' => 'Tayar',
'firebase_token' => 'Here'
'application_name' => 'Lead',
'firebase_token' => 'Here'
'application_name' => 'Company',
'firebase_token' => 'Here'
run migration
php artisan migrate -- seed
create jwt token
php artisan jwt:secret
create App key
php artisan key:generate
Connect to Stoarge
php artisan stoarge:link
initialise laravel echo server
laravel-echo-server init
run laravel echo server in project directory.
laravel-echo-server start
run queue listener
php artisan queue:listen
you can use supervisor to run process of echo server and run queue in background.check link down below //Deployment On Linux Only