GATK best practice variant calling pipeline for SNPs and INDELs The pipeline is for GRCh37 and GRCh38.
- python 2.7
- SJM (simple job manager)
- GATK 3.0+
- bgzip and tabix 1.2.1
- LSF batch system (or other)
$ vi gatk_varcall/modulefiles/gatk_varcall/b38
change "set pipeline_dir /home/swang/app/gatk_varcall" to point to correct path
$ chmod +x gatk_varcall/bin/*
$ cd gatk_varcall/test/
$ -b tiny_b38.bam -o pwd
--tmp /rgs01/scratch_space/cap_tiny_test -r ../scripts/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna.gatk -j cap_tiny.sjm
$ sjm NA12878.sjm
$ -B bam.lst -o pwd
--tmp /rgs01/scratch_space -r $ref_genome.gatk -j joint.sjm -v joint_call
$ sjm joint.sjm
( assuming g.vcf exited for each sample )
$ -c 30 -v 1.chr1.g.vcf.gz 2.chr1.g.vcf.gz -o -O folder -t chr1.merge -T chr1 -j jobs.sjm
$ sjm jobs.sjm
** note **
- merging gvcf would require LARGE RAM and will be slow especially >100 samples
Add the following line to your .bashrc (especially you frequently switch between b37 and b38):
export PS1='[\h [\e[0;36m]$ref_build[\e[0m] \W][\e[0;91m]$[\e[0m] '
This will tell in the command line that:
a) gatk_varcall is loaded and
b) the genome build version
- ID is taged for each read in teh BAM
- ID do not need to carry any meaning as it is used as uniq key.
- Can be used to distinguish the reads from different experiments. for example if your initial sequencing
does not have enough coverage, and a topoff was done to get more reads. ID could be "NA12878" and "NA12878-topoff" to distinguish every reads.
- Every BAM is encouraged to have one SM tag, unless in rare scenario you need to merge numtiple samples together.
- SM is used by GATK as sample name in variant call step (write to VCF file). if there are multiple SM tag in a BAM GATK HC caller (gvcf mode) would be confused.
- SM can be identical to ID for one sample, one experiemnts cases.
This pipeline is built based on hugeseq, but does variant call only