Learning Autograding with Python - Prof. Igor Machado Coelho
IMPORTANT: If autograding (GitHub Actions) doesn't start for you, check again the Invitation Link for the activity and hit the link named update.
If you want to try this open activity, see this invitation link: https://classroom.github.com/a/pEUy_63T
If you want to learn more on GitHub Classroom see this post: https://medium.com/swlh/easy-c-autograding-on-github-classroom-with-catch2-106ad1107402
Student Name: TODO - Please put your name in this README
This part describes the activity. This example activity consists in fixing two functions: one that adds two integers, and another that multiplies two integers.
Make the code pass correctly on all tests
- only change the allowed files to achieve this goal (see instructions below with specific rules).
The GitHub Actions should present a green marker when all tests are satisfied, and a red X when some (or all) of tests fail.
- Advice: You can click on the red X to verify which tests have failed (or if code didn't compile correctly).
- Advice 2: If no autograding test appear, it may be required for the instructor to update the test activities, so that all student repos are refreshed (regarding autograding).
- You can ONLY change files
!- In file
put your implementations, and inREADME.md
put your full name.
- In file
Explanations for the other files:
- file
has all tests for the activity (DO NOT CHANGE!)
- Command to build and execute tests:
python3 test.py
Some test cases may receive individual grade, while others may only receive grade if passing together (or even all tests passing together).
The final grade will be given automatically on every commit, and will only be evaluated until the deadline of the activity.
The deadline is defined in GitHub Classroom
- in case you cannot find it, ask the instructor or the course webpage
Check all other rules with instructor.
MIT License 2021