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Gary edited this page Feb 8, 2015 · 3 revisions


  1. Open up your Android project and create a new package in your project called com.idunnololz.widgets.
  2. Create a new Java source file in this package with the name AnimatedExpandableListView.
  3. Copy the source file [here] ( and paste it into the source file you just created in in step 2.
  4. You may now use this widget in your Android project.

##Using the widget

  1. In the desired layout file, you can add the AnimatedExpandableListView widget to the layout by creating a tag of the form
        ... />
  2. The AnimatedExpandableListView has exactly the same interface as the standard Android ExpandableListView widget with a few differences. The AnimatedExpandableListView has the extra functions expandGroupWithAnimation and collapseGroupWithAnimation. Also, the AnimatedExpandableListView must be used with a AnimatedExpandableListAdapter. Examples of this could be found in the sample source.

##Migrating from ExpandableListView to AnimatedExpandableListView

If you are already using an ExpandableListView widget in your source and simply want to migrate to using this library, there are only a few changes needed to be made:

  1. Replace ExpandableListView with com.idunnololz.widgets.AnimatedExpandableListView in your layout file.
  2. Make your adapter extend AnimatedExpandableListAdapter instead of BaseExpandableListAdapter.
  3. Rename getChildView() and getChildrenCount() in your adapter to getRealChildView() and getRealChildrenCount() respectively.
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