Simple server in Go to simulate various backend responses.
Current endpoints:
Delay - wait a specified length of time before responding. Path: /delay Parameters: sleep(milliseconds)
Return Status - return the specified HTTP Status code. Path: /returnStatus Parameters: status(number)
Sample data - respond with dummy data of either a) the specified size or b) for the specified duration. Path: /sampleResponse Parameters: time(milliseconds) latency(milliseconds) size(number of bytes)
Dump Rquest - respond with metadata from the request. Path: /dumpRequest Parameters: none
Add Response Header(s) - add the specified headers to the response. Path: /addHeader Parameters: name(String) value(String)
Cache test - serves generic content with some specific caching headers. Path: /cacheTests/ Parameterss: none
Serve Content - serves content from any file on the server. Path: /getContent/ Parameters: none
Validate JSON - validates and formats JSON data passed in the request body. Path: /validateJson Parameters: none