NIHPA (Nuclear Integrated Hydorgen Production Analysis) is an Excel-based discount cash flow calculator for hydrogen production by integrating light water reactors with high temperature steam electrolysis (LWR-HTSE) or low temperature electrolysis (LWR-LTE).
The tool incorporates the following features:
- Discounted cash flow and levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) analysis
- Sensitivity analysis with respect to select financial performance metrics with output ‘tornado’ charts
- Profitability analysis represented by heat maps using the two most sensitive parameters
- Electricity versus hydrogen production preference analysis by comparing change in net present value (∆NPV) between LWR-HTSE (or LWR-LTE) and business-as-usual electricity production to the grid
- Competitiveness analysis by comparing the calculated LCOH for LWR-HTSE (or LWR-LTE) with that of steam methane reforming, which is the conventional process to produce hydrogen
Please download the codes directly from INL github repository: Click "INL_NIHPA_Public_Release.xlsb" and you can download the raw file over there. The tool includes the marcos
If you would like to contribute the development of NIHPA, please follow the instruction similar to RAVEN here:
The following are a selection of technical reports, conference proceedings, and journal articles that may be of interest to users and developers of HERON, loosely in order of work performed.
W.-C., Cheng, L. M. Larsen, T. L. Knighton, P. W. Talbot, D. S. Wendt, R. D. Boardman, “Nuclear Integrated Production Analysis (NIHPA) tool”, Computer software,