(WIP)This project is a simple file manager for a phonegap application I am building.
It's originally ment for cordova based apps.
But it should work just fine with any web based app sence it's based on the W3C File API.
Simple docs:
- To scan for a files of predefind type:
1- Create an object of the file manager class
var fm=new fileManager();
2- Call scanDisk -Inside of deviceready if you are using cordova-
fileManager.scanDisk(RootDirectory: string, typeList: array of strings, domain: string);
Notce that:
-typeList is not case sensitive
-domain is an optional fix and might not be required depending on your code
fm.scanDisk(cordova.file.externalRootDirectory, ["png","jpg","jpeg","gif"], "file:///storage/sdcard0", function(entries){
//use entries
3- Read scaned files, this meathode is not exactly pretty but it will do for now (will be changed soon)
YOU DONT HAVE TO USE THIS METHODE ANYMORE, just use the callback in scanDisk function.
var timerId=setInterval(function(){
if(fm.scanDiskFiles != null){
var files=fm.scanDiskFiles;
}, 500);