Releases: ibi-group/datatools-ui
Releases · ibi-group/datatools-ui
5.0.0 (2022-06-22)
Bug Fixes
- actions/editor.js: request base GTFS with no limits on tables (7cc84f7), closes #631
- actions/manager/deployments: Suggest zip name based on deployment name. (ebefbbf)
- actions/versions: Fix clearing compared feed version. (5e857d5)
- ActiveGtfsPlusEditor: Pass feed version summary to child components. (d1b933e)
- CreateFeedSource: Initialize autoPublish state (suppress un/controlled input warning). (fd0f58d)
- deployment: fix type def for tripPlannerVersion (122c6db)
- deployment: grab deployment that is actively deployed (ffeaee8), closes #665
- deps: bump deps in scripts/package.json (f7d80e7)
- editor-map: handle new gtfs-lib response for encoded polylines (84abb63), closes #627
- editor/util/gtfs: include route_desc in entity name (1493d17)
- editor/util/validation: Fix stop name validation. (ef69da3)
- EditorInput.js: Refactored the argument to compare a number with a number (da0bda5), closes #656
- EditorInput.js gtfs.yml: Added missing GTFS Extended Route Types (6236f13), closes #645
- EditorMapLayersControl: remove show routes on map (1022e00), closes ibi-group/datatools-ui#627
- EntityListButton: Fix
New Exception
button formatting (bfa8e3d), closes #725 #725 - FeedLabel: further permission checks (330a9d1)
- feeds.js: format labels to be supported by server (cb3a1e7)
- FeedSourceSettings: Fix unresponsive tab selection. (d805f71)
- FeedTransformation: Revalidate errors if user selects a table for transform. (7b00cee)
- FeedTransformRules: Remove version clone trigger, add gtfs+ trigger. (9d78e37)
- feedVersion: correctly show all modes in ServicePerModeChart (606f964), closes #610
- FeedVersionNavigator: reverse version sort; add retrieval method filtering (47e6572), closes #544
- FeedVersionTabs: Fix github lint checks (03b77bb)
- FeedVersionViewer.VersionList: Fix rendering of feed versions. (ddb1f6b)
- getGtfsPlusSpec: Move sorting from GtfsPlusVersionSummary to getGtfsPlusSpec(). (1820fc5)
- gtfs.yml: add more currency types for fares (18702dd), closes #550
- gtfs/util: Remove the hardcoded limit of 30 to make it work with GTFS_ROUTE_NOT_ADDED dropdown. (7c7c599)
- gtfs+: change rider_category_id from Adult -> Regular (734517d), closes #546
- gtfsplus: trim extra spaces from fields (fca58ae)
- GtfsPlusEditor: Skip rendering if feed version summary is not fetched. (7390b6b)
- GtfsPlusVersionSummary: Address PR comments (bd14749)
- GtfsPlusVersionSummary: Tame down changes (ade917a)
- index.js: Add status=500 context (7981da7)
- JobMonitor: replace conveyal support email w/ config value (9e148ff)
- LabelEditor: show admin-only checkbox to project admins (db2101c)
- lib/types/index.js: Replaced the gtfs field option type from value: syring to value : string | (ec1c526), closes #656
- manager/actions/status: Navigate to latest feed ver. after processing complete. (eb648f9)
- MTC: make SERVICE_WITHOUT_DAYS_OF_WEEK a blocking issue (af06bba)
- NormalizeField: Adjust for changes from backend. (5a981d6)
- pattern-editor: handle uncaught error and improve add stop by name (06ea784), closes #617
- PatternLayout: Fix call to patternDateTimeFilterChange. (8a91747), closes #789
- PatternStopCard: Display null continuous_pickup as 1 (no continuous pickup) (4bfe662)
- PatternStopCard: Fix 0 value continuous pickup/dropoff being displayed as '1' (27f8183)
- PatternStopCard.js: Attempt to fix flow error (0255029), closes #668
- PatternStopCard.js: Attempt to fix flow issue again (ae5eaae), closes #668
- PatternStopCard.js: Attempt to fox flow issue 3 (cb588be), closes #668
- PatternStopCard.js: Fix flow issue (7717c28), closes #663
- PatternSTopCard.js: Fixed prop bug (4039af7), closes #668
- PeliasPanel: support windows csv mime type (687125e)
- saveEntity, saveTripsForCalendar: Resolve missing defaults with GTFS spec change (548fb24), closes #716 #717
- stopStrategies: Allow two point shapePoint arrays to be extended to the next stop (22e9085)
- SubstitutionRow: Add feedback for invalid substitution patterns. (93c1062)
- timetable: Allow offsetting by 24hrs or more (bef4b6a)
- TimetableEditor: Add continuousPickup and Dropoff values to StopTimes object (380ff1e)
- UserRow: show project permissions summary in label (0980eb9), closes #622
- validation.js: Remove ES lint waiver (589b6c6), closes #668
- Fix issues from PR lint. (b7c0c50)
- Merge branch 'dev' into 'feed-diffs'. (fbafd9d)
- Remove instances of BsLabel in FeedVersionViewer; bump react-bootstrap to 0.33. (0fdd8e6)
- auto-deploy: Add OTP auto-deploy project setting (223d093), closes ibi-group/datatools-server#361
- auto-publish: Add auto-publish support (MTC ext. req'd) ([d188125](https:/...
4.1.0 (2020-07-06)
Bug Fixes
- accessibility: Fix bug with tab reverting to "summary" on map marker drag (ce3d2ac)
- admin: make sure the status message is cleared when updating users (2f3fe7a), closes #408
- alerts: fix css for stop popup to prevent overflow issues (05077f8)
- alerts: fix issue with alert ID type mismatch (e034d4e), closes #459
- app-info: wait for fetch app info until checking user login (8407ed7), closes #475
- auth: fix auth silent renewal (f41cba9)
- auth0: ensure user_id is set in user profile (7f75723), closes #476
- auth0: route to '/login' for single callback log on (9e77a4a)
- auth0: WIP auth0 update to lock 11, auth0 9 (6cb047e)
- build: replace camel- and snake-case keys libs with custom code (b20e1be), closes #170
- deployment: disable feed deployment if no versions exist (46a4005)
- deployment: fix default value for rt updater (153291a), closes #146
- deployment: temporarily remove elevation bucket field; remove branding url (42c4cdd)
- Deployment: refactor Deployment fields to fix perf issues (9b66f89), closes ibi-group/datatools-server#310 #574
- deployments: fix alignment of button dropdown (45997a8)
- deps: update auth0 in script dependencies for lodash fix (ff2fb83)
- EditableCell: Change behavior to save cell contents when losing focus, clicking away etc. (9a31e89), closes #562
- editor: add default route type and color to feed info (89ecc70), closes #95
- editor: add min height for entity details header (fe99765)
- editor: add missing updatePatternStops function (b5abe1e)
- editor: add refetch option to create GTFS entity method (5366bf0)
- editor: clear editor state on component mount (d021eac)
- editor: clone exceptions to avoid mutation of store (67e4a83), closes #103
- editor: default new stop location to center of bounds (rather than 0,0) (453c069)
- editor: disable sidebar items if base gtfs not fetched (883eb33), closes #404
- editor: disable sidebar items if base gtfs not fetched (d4b84a0), closes #404
- editor: export receiveFeedSource action (a1f9ddd)
- editor: fetch exception dates in main GraphQL query (7a6b5cd), closes #561
- editor: fetch only required fields for feed info (6b9b52a)
- editor: fix "scheduleexception" text in delete/duplicate button (e3fb62a), closes #79
- editor: fix add stops mode (c8662be)
- editor: fix avg speed travel time calculation for pattern stops (55a9ff5)
- editor: fix entity type checks using field typeof (e204e04)
- editor: fix fare transfers default value (d6d0dcd)
- editor: fix feed info reset/undo (c2df062), closes #97
- editor: fix frequency trip editing for SQL editor (15299f4)
- editor: fix message on first snapshot creation (ef765d9)
- editor: fix new calendar writes (4985f49)
- editor: fix pattern direction icons/text (461bef7), closes #80
- editor: fix react error that does not allow tooltip prop on (835842b)
- editor: fix route#wheelchair_accessible field name/values (9d27484)
- editor: fix schedule exceptions for sql editor (cd01332)
- editor: fix schedule exceptions swap type (c70e95d), closes #74
- editor: fix shape point snapping (df8a5bb)
- editor: fix start from scratch (91ff274)
- editor: fix stop/route select input (e5848b9), closes #92
- editor: fix timepoint checkbox (6dbe55e)
- editor: fix trip writes for non-frequency based trips (dcaa7e0)
- editor: fix undo button (24885fe), closes #416
- editor: fix undo button (b2a1058), closes #416
- editor: fix undo for fields with null values (b9edff9), closes #113
- editor: fix undo for URL fields that initialize as null (9d532ea), closes #113
- editor: fix view all route alignments on editor map (e98debf), closes #76
- editor: fixes "scheduleexception" misspelling and create stop bug (c6acfa8), closes #79 #78
- editor: fixes re-initialization of editor when snapshot imported (9c1b8e8), closes #119
- editor: formatting + fix monday selection in exceptions (6a97374)
- editor: handle bad entity and pattern IDs in editor URL (7effe17), closes #99
- editor: handle travel time calc for patterns without shapes (7b0d970), closes #107
- editor: misc. editor fixes for SQL editor (1a2ffd0)
- editor: only check entity validity if it is not a new entity (368ef14), closes #147
- editor: prevent an infinite loop when sorting trips (d9c58bd), closes #426
- editor: prevent reversing pattern if pattern has trips ([67cbcba](
<a name"3.0.0">
3.0.0 (2017-11-08)
Bug Fixes
- ActiveEntityList: add enterTimetableEditor prop (ad3606e6)
- AlertEditor: prevent publish toggle before affectedEntities are added (74eab22f)
- ControlPoint: fix draggable behavior for leaflet 1.0.x (4c07e81c)
- ControlPointsLayer: fix toggling of control points (e8d3c582)
- DeploymentViewer: fix deployment name change (42fddc55)
- DeploymentsPanel: re-add updateDeployment func for name change in list view (5e53d7f5)
- EditShapePanel: fix drawing pattern geometry when not following streets (acee5b13)
- EditorFeedSourcePanel: disable buttons based on user permissions (352008f3)
- EntityDetails: add right border for cleaner look (4a6a5b0a)
- EntityDetailsHeader: fix overflow text in entity name (1d170cf9)
- ExternalProperties: only project admins should be able to modify sensitive AgencyId prop (7e3a4188)
- FareRulesForm: fix bug where route was cleared if checked radio clicked (0b1b094d)
- FeedSourceTable: fix calendar expiration (8010af46)
- GeneralSettings: warn user before deleting project (75832042)
- GtfsFilter: filter searched feeds based on alert/signs privileges (c8c65d2a)
- GtfsPlusVersionSummary: add missing key (651bf0a4)
- GtfsValidationViewer: hide experimental edit button (f761c8cf)
- PatternStopPopup:
- PatternStopsLayer: fix undefined patternStop (c1293483)
- ProjectViewer: request feeds after third party sync (eb142908)
- ProjectsList: fix project creation/name change (6aa6d700, closes #1)
- ScheduleExceptionForm: better name for "swap" (9571d560)
- StopLayer: fix tile creation (09cd4103)
- TimetableHeader: move offsetRows to action/reducer; initial work on saveNewTrip (966e6fa0)
- alerts:
- css: fix leaflet marker images bug (63874961)
- deployment-settings:
- deployments: fix message display (ef864a7b)
- editor:
- allow editing of null stop times (6766767c)
- improve pattern shape editing (6399b56a)
- improve pattern shape editing (cf0fbdac)
- fix upload of route shapefile for use as visual aid (d9813d29, closes #20)
- update pattern direction values to reflect A/B values in Java enum (fa0d5431)
- improve pattern shape editing (4efe9512)
- improve pattern shape editing (3033b512)
- editor fields: fix wheelchairBoarding for stops and routes (35b4dbdf)
- editor-stops: fix deletion of pattern stop when shape is null (406e1151)
- feed-summary:
- file-upload: Place file uploads directly in request body (92194c39)
- flow: add flow declaration (89a70ef9)
- follw-streets: fix add extendPatternToPoint to account for followStreets bool (0513ea15)
- graphql:
- gtfs: change order of route types so that most common (bus) is first in dropdown (d2de9629)
- gtfs-api: use post method for long variable lists in graphql queries (e2722a82)
- gtfs-plus-actions: fix version fetch after publish (8944debd)
- gtfs-search:
- gtfs.yml: add labels for stop attributes; re-order route types (9f0de781)
- gtfsplus:
- fix rowIndex for new row in new table (0-based, not 1-based) (051a50e1)
- fix rowIndex field name on added row (500945cb)
- check for null tableData (e7508f38)
- fix multiple page rendering/pageCount update and use versionId for GTFS entities (f4790b6c, closes #34)
- fix react warnings (key, proptypes) (8d5eb284)
- leaflet:
- lint: remove unused moment (bd9302af)
- manager:
- messages: use messages for FeedInfoPanel (95f09bdf)
- modules: use objectPath when accessing MTC props to avoid undefined erros (729a05c2)
- permissions: fix hasFeedPermission bug (missing orgId) (dab8e309)
- project-settings: fix type for default location lat/lng (c98ccdf1)
- reducer: clean up reducer, changes for feed validation issues (3162f3e1)
- reducer-gtfsplus: fix column parsing for gtfsplus csv (23c4f007)
- settings:
- disable feed source settings tab for non-managers (5e98908a)
- prevent access to settings for non-managers ([3b79c2e](https://gith...
<a name"2.0.0">
2.0.0 (2017-11-08)
Bug Fixes
- ActiveEntityList: add enterTimetableEditor prop (ad3606e6)
- AlertEditor: prevent publish toggle before affectedEntities are added (74eab22f)
- ControlPoint: fix draggable behavior for leaflet 1.0.x (4c07e81c)
- ControlPointsLayer: fix toggling of control points (e8d3c582)
- DeploymentViewer: fix deployment name change (42fddc55)
- DeploymentsPanel: re-add updateDeployment func for name change in list view (5e53d7f5)
- EditShapePanel: fix drawing pattern geometry when not following streets (acee5b13)
- EditorFeedSourcePanel: disable buttons based on user permissions (352008f3)
- EntityDetails: add right border for cleaner look (4a6a5b0a)
- EntityDetailsHeader: fix overflow text in entity name (1d170cf9)
- ExternalProperties: only project admins should be able to modify sensitive AgencyId prop (7e3a4188)
- FareRulesForm: fix bug where route was cleared if checked radio clicked (0b1b094d)
- FeedSourceTable: fix calendar expiration (8010af46)
- GeneralSettings: warn user before deleting project (75832042)
- GtfsFilter: filter searched feeds based on alert/signs privileges (c8c65d2a)
- GtfsPlusVersionSummary: add missing key (651bf0a4)
- GtfsValidationViewer: hide experimental edit button (f761c8cf)
- PatternStopPopup:
- PatternStopsLayer: fix undefined patternStop (c1293483)
- ProjectViewer: request feeds after third party sync (eb142908)
- ProjectsList: fix project creation/name change (6aa6d700, closes #1)
- ScheduleExceptionForm: better name for "swap" (9571d560)
- StopLayer: fix tile creation (09cd4103)
- TimetableHeader: move offsetRows to action/reducer; initial work on saveNewTrip (966e6fa0)
- alerts:
- css: fix leaflet marker images bug (63874961)
- deployment-settings:
- deployments: fix message display (ef864a7b)
- editor:
- allow editing of null stop times (6766767c)
- improve pattern shape editing (6399b56a)
- improve pattern shape editing (cf0fbdac)
- fix upload of route shapefile for use as visual aid (d9813d29, closes #20)
- update pattern direction values to reflect A/B values in Java enum (fa0d5431)
- improve pattern shape editing (4efe9512)
- improve pattern shape editing (3033b512)
- editor fields: fix wheelchairBoarding for stops and routes (35b4dbdf)
- editor-stops: fix deletion of pattern stop when shape is null (406e1151)
- follw-streets: fix add extendPatternToPoint to account for followStreets bool (0513ea15)
- gtfs: change order of route types so that most common (bus) is first in dropdown (d2de9629)
- gtfs-api: use post method for long variable lists in graphql queries (e2722a82)
- gtfs-filter: fix bug where feeds are not registered in API on first call (255ac98f)
- gtfs-plus-actions: fix version fetch after publish (8944debd)
- gtfs-search:
- gtfs.yml: add labels for stop attributes; re-order route types (9f0de781)
- gtfsplus:
- fix rowIndex for new row in new table (0-based, not 1-based) (051a50e1)
- fix rowIndex field name on added row (500945cb)
- check for null tableData (e7508f38)
- fix multiple page rendering/pageCount update and use versionId for GTFS entities (f4790b6c, closes #34)
- fix react warnings (key, proptypes) (8d5eb284)
- leaflet:
- manager: change confirmUpload to arrow func to fix uploading feed (3b39c982, closes #25)
- messages: use messages for FeedInfoPanel (95f09bdf)
- modules: use objectPath when accessing MTC props to avoid undefined erros (729a05c2)
- permissions: fix hasFeedPermission bug (missing orgId) (dab8e309)
- reducer-gtfsplus: fix column parsing for gtfsplus csv (23c4f007)
- settings:
- status: add second arg for error message action (80738d53)
- timetables: fix null stoptime in trip sorter (6ff3e360)
- user-mgmt: if datatools permissions not found, set error message (3340197e)
- util: fix toSentenceCase imports (8e2e4d3c)
- validation: validate lat/lng max/min values in editor (8f2f5ceb)
- EntityList: add Edit Schedules button on calendar list view (de0af3a4)
- FeedVersion: show loading spinner when version validating (2fe9e375)
- GtfsPlusField: remove case sensitivity for GTFS+ fields (84b62338)
- JobMonitor: add clear completed button (426992b9)
- StatusModal: add optional action handler/prop for status modal ([f2cfe84](ht...
<a name"1.0.0">