This is a Sample project created with ASP.NET Core 1.0.0 and EF Core 1.0.0 to show the issue with [the filtering problem] (dotnet/efcore#5975)
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Restore all the dependencies
cd EntityFramework5975
dotnet restore
- Create the MSSQLLocalDB database by running the following
dotnet ef database update
- Run the application. The database will automatically be seeded with sample data.
- Trigger the sample by sending a GET request to:
GET localhost: http://localhost:57092/api/memory/NZ will return a list of ports whose code starts with "NZ". The filter happens in memory and it is correct.
GET localhost: http://localhost:57092/api/db/NZ will return a list of ports whose code starts with "NZ". The filter happens in database and it is inccorect since instead applying "NZ", the SQL applies a "?"
The sample will show that EF Core 1.0.0 does not handle properly filtering on fields of type char. This was working fine in EF Core RC2