- Title: Beauty of Nature: Phyllotaxis
- Credit: Krishnakanta Maity
- Time Span: Jan - May, 2020
- Method Used: Visualization, Golden Ratio, Golden Angle
- Programming Language: R
- Technology: R Studio, ShinyR
- Dependency: Mentioned in initial part of the global.R.
Phyllotaxis, the arrangement of leaves on a stem, is a fascinating aspect of plant growth and development. In this project, we will be studying the phyllotaxy pattern and presenting our findings through a Shiny web application. The application will generate simulated data to demonstrate the principles of phyllotaxis and the Fibonacci sequence that underlies it. The project aims to provide a unique and interactive way of understanding this complex natural phenomenon.
- Data Source: Simulated data
File structure of the project folder is given below. Fine names are self explanatory.
├── img
├── www
├── global.R
├── server.R
├── ui.R
└── README.md
Look at navbar pane, under navbar there are three tabs viz. about, plot and data. In the sidebar pane there are sliders for different input options. Also you can download plot (png format) and data (CSV format).