The objective of this project is to build a sample for TPz algorithm and analyze the results.
The main folder is /IC_Photo-z/Iago. Here we have some files:
Flexzboost.ipynb Notebook to execute FlexzBoost and analyse results.
Controlled_sample.ipynb Notebook to build and analyze a sample with VIPERS and GAMA catalogs.
Sanchez_run_TPz.ipynb Notebook to replicate the training sample from the paper (DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stu1836), analyse results and calculate weights.
DR2-Spec_Querys.ipynb Notebook to build a sample using spectroscopic data from LIneA server.
Plots.ipynb Notebook for plotting results; you can combine more than one result and compare.
The path to the folder is: /IC_Photo-z/Iago/samples.
This folder contains all the training, validation and input files for ML algorithms.
Example: training.VVDS_VIPERS contains the training file built using VVDS and VIPERS catalog.
The folder /IC_Photo-z/Iago/results contains all results after running TPz.
REGRESSION: 0 CLASSIFICATION: 1 More than 1: tests
Example: results.GAMA_VIPERS_VVDS.1.mlz contains results from TPz using classification.
IC_Photo-z/MLZ Folder with the TPz algorithm
IC/Photo-z/Files png Contain all the images saved from notebooks
/IC_Photo-z/Iago/samples/phot_sample_weighting_{catalog} Photometric data downloaded to weighting. Each data has the cuts used in spectroscopic associated.
/IC_Photo-z/Iago/Sanchez_data Contains the data used to try to replicate Sanchez's paper results.