Hey there 👋,
I am a full stack web developer, QA Automation Engineer, who is more focused on backend. I recently started to create blog posts and open source packages mainly about frontend and devOps. I have a passion for learning and sharing my knowledge with others in a way that's as public as possible. You can see a full list of what I am up to on Dev.to. If you found value in something I have created, please feel free to send a tip, give me a shout out @nezerOriginal, give some ♥ on DEV.to.
I love open source. I am not a heavy maintainer of any large libraries, but I really like the boyscout rule. I contribute to things as I come across issues that I think other people might struggle with. This may be things that are overlooked by someone who is deep into the library. I 💕 a good onboarding readme with good example.
I recently founded a startup @myWeltCode