Releases: iLCSoft/MarlinReco
2021-02-26 Bohdan Dudar (PR#88)
- TOFEstimators processor: adding new algorithms to calculate the ToF, track length and momentum.
- New output parameters:
- TOFClosest --- based on the closest ECAL hit
- TOFFastest --- based on the fastest ECAL hit
- TOFCylFit --- extrapolated time from the ECAL hits within a cylinder of a shower core
- TOFClosestFit --- extrapolated time from the ECAL hits closest to the linear continuation of the track inside the ECAL
- FlightLength --- the helix track length based on the track parameters from the TrackState at the ECAL
- MomAtCal --- the momentum based on the track parameters from the TrackState at the ECAL
- New steering parameters:
- ProcessorVersion --- changes output between the idr version (before this patch) and the dev (after this patch). Default: idr
- CylRadius --- the radius within which to select hits for the TOFCylFit method. Default: 5 mm
- New output parameters:
- TOFEstimators processor: adding new algorithms to calculate the ToF, track length and momentum.
2021-02-22 Carl Mikael Berggren (PR#89)
Heavily reworked version of TrueJetFrom the outside, little has changed:
New jet-type (6) for non-isr photon from the hard interaction.
Does not require recoparticles (nor recomctruthlink), so also works
on generator-output lcio-files.
Boolean steering flag to indicate Whizard1 (GDE) or Whizard2 (LCC) input
(false by default, i.e. input is Whizard2)Internally, heavily re-worked.
- removed methods fix94 and fix_top
- New method (stdhep_reader_bug_workaround) called if _whiz1 is true
- New method - photon - added to treat the new jet type 6 (M.E. photon).
- New boolean data-members _whiz1 (steering flag), _higgs_to_glue_glue
and _top_event (the latter two set at run-time event by event) - Handle the case if no reconstructed information (generator input).
- In top events, define the initial colour-neutral as the top
- Default collectionnames changed to the mc2020 ones.
Changes and enhancemts to TrueJet_Parser and Use_TrueJet to go with new TrueJet
added MCPseen : LCIntExtension, used to avoid
double counting of true particles (decay-in-flight ...) for true-of-seen. -
New methods: mcpjet, mcpicn,mcpfcn, recojet, recoicn and recofcn to
returns the corresponding jet, icn or fcn number of MCPs or PFOs.
true_partics, to return the list of all mcps in a jet (reco_particle
already existed).
Gracefully handle case with no recoMCTruthLink.
Exercise the new methods in TrueJet_Parser.
2021-02-10 Yasser Radkhorrami (PR#85)
Improved theErrorFlow
processor:- An option added to enable/disable confusion term in the jet energy error
- For scaling angular uncertainties of jets, CovMat of the jet is scaled by scaling factors (as processor parameters)
- So far, charged PFOs used to be identified by charge, so the energy of neutral PFOs with tracks was added to photons/neutral hadrons energy. Now, neutral PFOs are classified as charged PFO, since the energy and momentum are obtained from tracks.
- An option added to propagate confusion term to all covariance matrix elements.
- New processor parameters:
- "EnableConfusionTerm", "Enable/disable confusion term to be added to covariance matrix"
- "CovMatFactorPhotons", "A correction factor to be multiplied to angular uncertainties of photons"
- "CovMatFactorNeutralHadrons", "A correction factor to be multiplied to angular uncertainties of Neutral Hadrons"
- "PropagateConfusion2Mom", "Enable/disable Propagating uncertainty due to confusion to the Momentum components/All CovMat elements"
2021-02-10 Yasser Radkhorrami (PR#85)
... -
2021-02-01 tmadlener (PR#86)
- Migrate CI from travis to github actions
2020-09-02 Carl Mikael Berggren (PR#81)
- Fix wrong signs in Jacobian in the transformation of the covariance matrix of cluster CoG and Energy to neutral PFO (E,px,py,pz), and double declaration of local variable Eerror. Update example CMakeLists.txt and AddClusterProperties.xml to work in the present world.
2020-09-02 Junping Tian (PR#79)
- added a new processor for finding isolated photon
- the default option for isolated muon finder is changed back to use Yoke energy
2020-08-31 Yasser Radkhorrami (PR#80)
- An option is added to include full CovMat of neutral PFOs in jet error
2020-07-01 Junping Tian (PR#78)
- add a new processor which can be used to obtain the input variables for isolated lepton training
- add a MVA Classification macro for training
2020-07-01 Daniel Jeans (PR#74)
- DDStripSplitter:
- now run separately for barrel and endcap
- create hit relations for split hits
- some cleaning up of code (remove some histograms; fix compiler warnings, etc)
- RecoMCTruthLinker
- adapt to work with split hits
- fix some compiler warnings
- PhotonCorrectionProcessor
- check that corrections requested before calculating them
- add some debug printouts
- DDStripSplitter:
2020-06-29 Junping Tian (PR#76)
- added a processor which can be used to obtain the needed input variables for MVA training of IsolatedLeptonTagging
- added a root macro of MVA Classification for the training.
2020-06-15 JennyListDESY (PR#75)
- adding four-momentum covariance matrix calculation for V0s
based on covariance matrices of the two tracks
- adding four-momentum covariance matrix calculation for V0s
2020-05-13 Daniel Jeans (PR#73)
- add photonPFO direction correction to "PhotonEnergyCorrect" package
2020-04-17 Daniel Jeans (PR#72)
- bug fix in photonCorrectionProcessor:
- adjust the magnitude of the momentum of photon PFOs, not just their energies.
(this bug resulted in photon PFOs with inconsistent energy and momentum.)
- bug fix in photonCorrectionProcessor:
2019-12-11 Daniel Jeans (PR#71)
- remove hard-coded default correction; control everything from processor parameters.
- add getter and print functionality to PhotonCorrector class
2019-12-03 Daniel Jeans (PR#70)
BruteForceEcalGapFiller makes new hits both within and between ECAL modules to estimate energy lost in cracks. In this update:- allow switching off of correction in gaps between modules by processor parameter (in fact, set it off by default)
- Fix a couple of compiler warnings
- add photonCorrectionProcessor to correct photon PFO energies
2019-10-06 Remi Ete (PR#69)
- Replaced raw usage of streamlog by pre-processor macros from streamlog package
2019-09-03 beyerja (PR#68)
- Remove compiler warnings for ErrorFlow processor (default initialization in header, using shared_ptr instead of raw pointer).
- Add ErrorFlow processor to list of processors to be compiled by default in MarlinReco.
2019-08-12 Ete Remi (PR#67)
- SimpleFcalDigi processor:
- Missing cellid 1 flag in fcal output collection, causing issues in the BeamCal reconstruction
- SimpleFcalDigi processor:
2019-04-08 Ete Remi (PR#66)
- ReconstructedParticleImpl_CopyProcessor:
- Added relation collection to link old PFOs to new PFOs
- ReconstructedParticleImpl_CopyProcessor:
2019-03-29 Matthias Artur Weber (PR#65)
- IsolatedLeptonFinder: save track and cluster information for isolated lepton candidates
2019-01-30 Carl Mikael Berggren (PR#64)
- TrueJet:
- Much improved assignment of PFOs to jets, and hence of seen jet energies
- Get rid of all -Wall warnings
- TrueJet:
2019-01-16 Carl Mikael Berggren (PR#63)
- bug fix in TrueJet_Parser
- fix in TrueJet_Parser::final_cn, replace math.h by cmath in Use_TrueJet
- bug fix in TrueJet_Parser
2019-01-15 Junping Tian (PR#62)
- added fix to IsolatedLeptonfinder
- added a new feature for supporting applications not using impact parameters
- added corresponding weight files trained for the new feature
- added fix to IsolatedLeptonfinder
2018-12-19 Ulrich Einhaus (PR#60)
- Add ReconstructedParticleImpl_CopyProcessor
2018-11-09 Daniel Jeans (PR#59)
- add new Marlin processor DDStripSplitter, which implements the Strip Splitting Algorithm for eg a scintillator strip ECAL.
2018-10-29 Ete Remi (PR#58)
- IsolatedLeptonTaggingProcessor processor:
- Fixed processor logic when PFO or Vertex input collections don't exist or are empty
- IsolatedLeptonTaggingProcessor processor:
2018-10-19 Erica Brondolin (PR#57)
- CLICPfoSelectorAnalysis: Fix entries of time vs pt
2018-10-02 Frank Gaede (PR#55)
- add sub-package Analysis/GammaGammaHadronRemoval
- first processor TrackZVertexGrouping implementation of track grouping based on Z0 significance
- algorithm developed by S.Sasikumar, DESY
- add sub-package Analysis/GammaGammaHadronRemoval
2018-07-05 Jakob Beyer (PR#52)
- Adding new analysis toolTJjetsPFOAnalysisProcessor:
- Combined the PFOAnalysis processor with the jet analysis power of the TrueJet/TrueJet_Parser tools to gain insight into individual jet behaviour and reconstruction.
- Adding new analysis toolTJjetsPFOAnalysisProcessor:
2018-08-06 Erica Brondolin (PR#54)
- Introduce CLICPfoSelectorAnalysis which runs on the PFO input collection and creates: a TTree with the PFO variables used in the CLICPfoSelector, cluster time vs pT graphs for each particle category and region, and PFO energy sum histos for each particle category and region
- CLICPfoSelectorAnalysis has the possibility to detect if the PFO belongs to signal/overlay
- CLICPfoSelectorAnalysis has the possibility to check if the track and the cluster belonging to the same PFO were produced by at least one common MCParticle
2018-07-18 Junping Tian (PR#53)
- fixed IsolatedLeptonTagger
- fixed the problem about track impact parameters in the new samples where interaction point is smeared
- some minor updates about pre-cut values and symmetric treatment for d0/z0 significance
- new weights trained for new samples are provided
- fixed IsolatedLeptonTagger
2018-04-10 Guillaume (PR#48)
- SDHCAL digitizer :
- Switch order of the LCRelation collection between SDHCAL SimCalorimeterHits and Digitized CalorimeterHits (now from CalorimeterHit to SimCalorimeterHit)
- SDHCAL digitizer :
2018-04-18 Carl Mikael Berggren (PR#50)
- improved TrueJet processor:
- Fixed crash due to index out-of-range
- Remove all compiler warnings except local shadow (cheked to be OK)
- id of initial ColourNeutrals fixed (should be a boson (W,Z,H))
- MCParticle collection does not need to start with the beam-particles, back-tracking now also
gracefully stops if the first entry is reached. This should allow for usage also for the DBD-250 samples, in which the initial beam-particles are missing in the MCParticle collections. - nitty-gritty special cases in history fixed.
- Now also works for higgs-samples except for h->gluon gluon, which will need a completely different treatment fro back-track through the parton shower, as there is no quark-line to follow...
- improved TrueJet processor:
2018-04-17 Frank Gaede (PR#49)
- add new package TimeOfFlight
- use TOFEstimators processor to compute TOF parameters
- will be added as PID object to the ReconstructedParticles
- add new package TimeOfFlight
2017-11-15 Ete Remi (PR#30)
- New SDHCAL digitizer version from Lyon group (ggarillot)
- step linking and 'Angular Correction'
- two processors, one for applying the threshold, one for the threshold energy factors
- New SDHCAL digitizer version from Lyon group (ggarillot)
2017-11-15 Shaojun Lu (PR#29)
- replace gear with DD4hep in FourMomentumCovMat and PIDTools
- use DD4hep for accessing BField and LayeredCalorimeterData extension to replace Gear.
- with this the ILD standard reconstruction does no longer need a gear file
- replace gear with DD4hep in FourMomentumCovMat and PIDTools