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@tmadlener tmadlener released this 26 Feb 12:17
· 94 commits to master since this release


  • 2021-02-26 Bohdan Dudar (PR#88)

    • TOFEstimators processor: adding new algorithms to calculate the ToF, track length and momentum.
      • New output parameters:
        • TOFClosest --- based on the closest ECAL hit
        • TOFFastest --- based on the fastest ECAL hit
        • TOFCylFit --- extrapolated time from the ECAL hits within a cylinder of a shower core
        • TOFClosestFit --- extrapolated time from the ECAL hits closest to the linear continuation of the track inside the ECAL
        • FlightLength --- the helix track length based on the track parameters from the TrackState at the ECAL
        • MomAtCal --- the momentum based on the track parameters from the TrackState at the ECAL
      • New steering parameters:
        • ProcessorVersion --- changes output between the idr version (before this patch) and the dev (after this patch). Default: idr
        • CylRadius --- the radius within which to select hits for the TOFCylFit method. Default: 5 mm
  • 2021-02-22 Carl Mikael Berggren (PR#89)
    Heavily reworked version of TrueJet

    From the outside, little has changed:
    New jet-type (6) for non-isr photon from the hard interaction.
    Does not require recoparticles (nor recomctruthlink), so also works
    on generator-output lcio-files.
    Boolean steering flag to indicate Whizard1 (GDE) or Whizard2 (LCC) input
    (false by default, i.e. input is Whizard2)

    Internally, heavily re-worked.

    • removed methods fix94 and fix_top
    • New method (stdhep_reader_bug_workaround) called if _whiz1 is true
    • New method - photon - added to treat the new jet type 6 (M.E. photon).
    • New boolean data-members _whiz1 (steering flag), _higgs_to_glue_glue
      and _top_event (the latter two set at run-time event by event)
    • Handle the case if no reconstructed information (generator input).
    • In top events, define the initial colour-neutral as the top
    • Default collectionnames changed to the mc2020 ones.

    Changes and enhancemts to TrueJet_Parser and Use_TrueJet to go with new TrueJet


    • added MCPseen : LCIntExtension, used to avoid
      double counting of true particles (decay-in-flight ...) for true-of-seen.

    • New methods: mcpjet, mcpicn,mcpfcn, recojet, recoicn and recofcn to
      returns the corresponding jet, icn or fcn number of MCPs or PFOs.
      true_partics, to return the list of all mcps in a jet (reco_particle
      already existed).


    • Gracefully handle case with no recoMCTruthLink.

    • Exercise the new methods in TrueJet_Parser.

  • 2021-02-10 Yasser Radkhorrami (PR#85)
    Improved the ErrorFlow processor:

    1. An option added to enable/disable confusion term in the jet energy error
    2. For scaling angular uncertainties of jets, CovMat of the jet is scaled by scaling factors (as processor parameters)
    3. So far, charged PFOs used to be identified by charge, so the energy of neutral PFOs with tracks was added to photons/neutral hadrons energy. Now, neutral PFOs are classified as charged PFO, since the energy and momentum are obtained from tracks.
    4. An option added to propagate confusion term to all covariance matrix elements.
    • New processor parameters:
      - "EnableConfusionTerm", "Enable/disable confusion term to be added to covariance matrix"
      - "CovMatFactorPhotons", "A correction factor to be multiplied to angular uncertainties of photons"
      - "CovMatFactorNeutralHadrons", "A correction factor to be multiplied to angular uncertainties of Neutral Hadrons"
      - "PropagateConfusion2Mom", "Enable/disable Propagating uncertainty due to confusion to the Momentum components/All CovMat elements"
  • 2021-02-10 Yasser Radkhorrami (PR#85)

  • 2021-02-01 tmadlener (PR#86)

    • Migrate CI from travis to github actions