2021-06-15 Thomas Madlener (PR#92)
- Move the
utility class to MarlinUtil- Make it possible to use it outside of MarlinReco
- Keep example usage and README here in MarlinReco for better discoverability
- Move the
2021-05-07 A. Irles (PR#91)
- PIDTools:
- LikelihoodPID modified to be able to accept as arguments the name and type of method to run and store (allowing for versioning)
- AngularCorrection_dEdxProcessor created to use with DST samples generated with v02-02 and v02-02-01. The dEdx is corrected for angular effects.
- Compute_dEdxProcessor2021, modifictation of the default Compute_dEdxProcessor
- The angular correction is optional
- The function of this correction is a pol3(lambda)
- It is applied AFTER smearing- Example steering files are added.
- PIDTools: