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bearded-avenger edited this page Oct 7, 2014 · 3 revisions

We follow a modified version of the Gitflow workflow. More info here if you're not familiar.


Master Deployed to the public. Never pull request or commit directly to Master Branch.

Dev The working branch. Considered to be dirty but stable. Pull requests should be made to dev branch only.

Release The branch with the commits going out in the next release. Dev is NEVER merged directly into release branch. Instead, feature and bug branches are merged into the release branch.

Fixing Bugs (core committers)

  1. create a branch from latest commit on master and label it bug/yourbugname
  2. working within your bug branch, fix the bug and merge your bug branch into the dev branch
  3. do not push your branch to origin, and do not delete your branch until the commit has passed inspection within the dev branch
  4. once the commit passes inspection, merge your branch into the release branch

Releasing Code (core committers)

  1. if there isn't a release branch created for the next release, create release/version
  2. all bug or feature branches must be merged into the release branch
  3. merge release branch into master branch
  4. merge master branch into dev branch
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