A Chef repo to run with chef-solo to setup Huskycode server
- Tested only with Ubuntu 12.10 (x64)
- Works with Linode
Make sure curl and wget is installed
sudo apt-get install curl wget
Install latest chef from ops code
curl -L https://www.opscode.com/chef/install.sh | sudo bash
Clone this repository (make sure to use --recursive to clone the submodules)
git clone --recursive <address>
Or, we can force update it by this command
git submodule update --init
#Make sure the package repo is up to date
sudo apt-get update
Update the username, password. You can generate password by using this command
openssl passwd -1 "<your password>"
Put in your pub/private key pair in
Misc info
- Main file to edit is: cookbook/server/recipes/default.rb
- Basically everything is cookbook/server is the part where we weave all cookbooks together.