- Documentation is a set of information that describes a product to its users.
- Microsoft Docs
- .NET中文文档
- Linode Guides and Tutorials
- Machine Learning、Deep Learning、PostgreSQL、Distributed System、Node.Js、Golang 文档资源
- 伯乐在线中文资源
- TechTarget中文资料:商业智能、云计算、数据库、安全、SOA、虚拟化
- envoyproxy 智能代理中文参考文档
- 印记中文:深入挖掘国外前端新领域,为中国 Web 前端开发人员提供优质文档!
- Services Engineering Reading List
- A.W.E.S.O.M. O An extensive list of interesting open source projects written in С, C++, Clojure, Lisp, Elixir, Erlang, Elm, Golang, Haskell, JavaScript, Lua, OCaml, Python, R, Ruby, Rust, Scala etc.
- TensorFlow 官方文档中文版
- Deep Learning Tutorial, ICML, Atlanta, 2013-06-16 Yann LeCun编写,200页幻灯片
- Learning Deep Architectures for AI 和 Learning Deep Architectures for AI 中文版
- 神经网络与深度学习-幻灯片 和 神经网络与深度学习-讲义
- Deep Learning Methods and Applications
- Deep Learning with Python
- The Applications of Deep Learning on Traffic Identification
- Deep Learning on Disassembly Data 反汇编数据深度学习
- Deep Learning Tutorial Release 0.1
- A Tutorial on Deep Learning
- 记忆、阅读与理解 (深度学习 & NLP)
- Seeing People with Deep Learning
- Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing and Related Applications
- Sibyl: 来自Google的大规模机器学习系统
- 百度:广告数据上的大规模机器学习
- MADlib: Big Data Machine Learning in PostgreSQL
- Practical Machine Learning Pipelines with MLlib
- Machine Learning with WEKA
- 阿里搜索基于HBase实时计算及在线学习系统Pora介绍
- Large-Scale Machine Learning at PayPal Risk
- Machine learning in finance using Spark ML pipeline
- 人脸识别技术在商业银行的应用及挑战
- Seeing People with Deep Learning
- Deep Learning: Deep Boltzmann Machines
- Collaborative Feature Learning from Social Media
- CloudCV: Large-Scale Computer Vision on the Cloud
- Application of GPUs to Classification Problems Using Deep Learning Architectures
- Understand Face with GPU and beyond
- Visualizing a Car's Camera System: Computer Vision for Automotive
- Maximizing Face Detection Performance
- The Future of Human Vision: Preferential Augmentation Using GPUs
- Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
- NLP and Deep Learning 1: Human Language & Word Vectors
- NLP and Deep Learning 2: Compositonal Deep Learning
- Deep NLP Recurrent Neural Networks
- Memory, Reading, and Comprehension
- Deep NLP Applications and Dynamic Memory Networks
- Spark, HBase, Hadoop填坑与埋坑
- Securing Your Big Data Environment
- Securing the Big Data Ecosystem
- Harnessing Big Data for Application Security Intelligence
- Security Business Intelligence– Big Data for Faster Detection/Response
- BerkeleyX: CS100.1x Introduction to Big Data with Apache Spark 讲义下载
- Data Visualization for Oracle Business Intelligence 11g
- Advanced Metadata Modeling for Oracle Business Intelligence Cloud Service
- 今日头条服务化探索及实践历程
- 使⽤微服务架构改造企业核⼼业务系统的实践
- Microservices under the microscope
- Building Systems with Asynchronous Microservices
- Delivering Meaning In NearReal Time At High Velocity & Massive Scale
- An Introduction to Real-Time Analytics with Cassandra and Hadoop
- Cassandra Data Modeling Best Practices at eBay 和 Cassandra at eBay 和 Cassandra Scale at eBay
- HBase上搭建广告实时数据处理平台
- 阿里搜索基于HBase实时计算及在线学习系统Pora介绍
- Couchbase介绍
- NoSQL Database in the Cloud: Couchbase Server 2.0 on AWS
- How PayPal Manages 1B Documents & 10TB Data with Couchbase
- LinkedIn @ Couchbase Connect Using Couchbase
- PostgreSQL 9.4 and JSON
- PG-Strom: Query Acceleration Engine of PostgreSQL Powered by GPGPU
- The State of the Dolphin:MySQL 5.7
- MySQL 5.7 Performance: Scalability & Benchmarks
- Tachyon: An Open Source Memory-Centric Distributed Storage System
- Interactive Data Analytics with Spark on Tachyon in Baidu
- Make Tachyon Ready for next-gen Data Center Platforms with NVM
- Ceph
- When to NoSQL and When to Know SQL
- Building a NoSQL Data Cloud
- NoSQL and SQL: The Best of Both Worlds
- 七牛从InfluxDB看时序数据的处理
- Mangix: 美团云分布式对象存储系统设计与实现
- Mesosphere DC/OS文档中心
- OpenStack实战指导手册
- OpenStack Quantum Architecture,Network(Quantum) provide "network connectivity as a service"
- Chef for OpenStack Overview
- Cloud Foundry and OpenStack
- 云计算中的服务质量保障与资源隔离
- Building a Private Cloud with Oracle's OpenStack for Oracle Linux and Oracle VM
- OpenStack Cloud At Yahoo Scale How To Avoid Disaster
- OpenShift 3 Technical Architecture
- OpenShift 3 and The Next Generation of PaaS
- Using OpenShift & PaaS to accelerate DevOps & Continuous Delivery
- Introduction to HotSpot Internals
- JVM Mechanics: When Does the JVM JIT & Deoptimize?
- JVM @ Taobao
- Java Virtual Machine Virtualiza1on - building scalable JVM for Cloud
- JDK 9, 变化与未来
- 阿里巴巴基于Java容器的多应用部署技术实践
- 高盛如何使用Java
- Java深度历险
- Java Tools and Technologies Landscape for 2014
- The New Real-Time Specification for Java
- My Transition from Swift to Kotlin
- How to Build a React app in Kotlin
- Architectures Using Functional Programming Concepts
- Scala:让Java平台上的编程重现生机
- Learning Scala: A Practical Approach
- Scala v. Clojure
- Scala & Clojure Playing Nice
- Write your own Go compiler, More adventures with go.tools/ssa
- Go在猎豹移动的应用
- Go语⾔游戏项目应⽤情况汇报 2012年 - 2015年,仙侠道网⻚版,使⽤Go语⾔替代神仙道时期的Erlang,开发流程和主要架构不变。
- Go语言在NFV场景下的应用研究
- gofmt的文化演变
- p2p缓存系统,基于Golang的Aop设计模式
- Writing Web Apps in Go
- 七牛的Go语言之缘
- 七牛的缘分:Golang与云存储
- Babel Handbook
- JavaScript - The World's Best Programming Language
- JavaScript on Java EE
- Nashorn: JavaScript for the JVM
- 中文 Python 笔记
- Zen and the Art of Abstraction Maintenance
- Best Practices for Scripting with Python 2 & Python 3
- PHP 7 - New Engine For The Good Old Train
- Untestable Code
- Quality Assurance in PHP Projects
- PHP Code Audit
- Running the Show Configuration Management with Chef
- Testing iPhone apps with Ruby and Cucumber
- REST & ActiveResource
- Accelerate your Rails Site with Automatic Generation based Action Caching
- Enterprise Perl
- Mastering Perl
- State of the art Profiling with Devel NYTProf
- UTF8 Perl and You
- What's new in Perl v5.10
- Erlang开发实践, 在淘宝MySQL平台(UMP)的应用 @淘宝褚霸
- 基于Erlang构建⼤大规模实时系统
- Inside the Erlang VM with focus on SMP
- An Erlang Game Stack,基于 Erlang + Lua + VoltDB 构建
- Erlang实战 - 构建IP查询服务
- Distributed Robots in Elixir
- Bitcoin & Elixir:Living the cutting edge
- Open Source Analytics Visualization and Predictive Modeling of Big Data with R
- Why We Don't Understand Risk, and How it Dooms Us All
- 用Spring和RabbitMQ技术应对消息传送挑战
- Building a Distributed Data Ingestion System with RabbitMQ
- Using RabbitMQ to stream data events across PostgreSQL Databases
- Uber的流处理系统及实践 based on Apache Kafka
- Developing with the Go client for Apache Kafka
- Apache Kafka 0.8 Basic Training
- Public Key Encryption 1 和 Public Key Encryption 2
- Cryptography as a Service
- Firewall Fail: Live Test of Top Next-Gen Firewall Testing to Expose Its Breaking Points
- Awesome Conferences
- KVM Forum
- Google I/O
- Worldwide Developers Conference(WWDC)苹果全球开发者大会
- Black Hat
- RSA Conference
- ApacheCon
- GPU Technology Conference
- CppCon: The C++ Conference
- JavaOne
- Kotlin Conference
- Oracle World
- PHPConChina
- InfoQ
- PGCon - PostgreSQL Conference for Users and Developers
- Strange Loop
- Nullcon India
- Kcon黑客大会
- EclipseCon
- Automotive Linux Summit
- ROSCon
- Erlang Conference
- Django Conference
- Qt Conference
- MesosCon
- Mesosphere Presentations
- DevOps 国际峰会 2018 北京站
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