GINCO is a free software developped by the Ministry of Culture and Communication (France) and is dedicated to the management of vocabularies. It implements the principles defined in the ISO standard 25964-1:2011 Information and documentation -- Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies -- Part 1 : Thesauri for information retrieval.
GINCO is released under the terms of the CeCiLL v2 license.
The main features already developed allow :
- the design and the management of multiple lists of authorities, taxonomies, thesauruses ;
- the management of terms: status, language, unique identifier of type URI, notes of different types associated with the terms, assigment of terms to concepts, equivalence relationships between terms;
- the management of concepts: status, unique identifier of type URI, notes of different types associated with concepts, hierarchical ans associative relationships between concepts ;
- the management of thesaurus arrays (virtual relays, facets) and their exploitation in hierarchical editions ;
- the management of groups of concepts (microthesaurus, theme, domain);
- the alphabetical and hierarchical editions ;
- the import and export of thesaurus in SKOS / RDF format ;
- the consultation through web services.
The first version of the software is under development according to the SCRUM agile methodology. The "[backlog] (" presents the prioritized list of developed or planned features. It is made available to the community, which can provide us with suggestions and proposals.
The developments envisaged in version 2 of the application focus on :
- collaborative features ;
- alignments between vocabularies and to external ressources ;
- the implementation of a reference terminology, in order to provide users with unified access to all vocabularies (terminologies server)
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