Terraform module to deploy an F5 BIG-IP in AWS. This module currently supports 1 and 3 nic deployments using the AWS Marketplace PAYG license.
NOTE: You will need to accept the AWS Marketplace offer for your selected BIG-IP AMI.
NOTE: This code is provided for demonstration purposes and is not intentded to be used for production deployments.
This modules supports Terraform 0.12 and higher
module bigip {
source = "f5devcentral/bigip/aws"
prefix = "bigip"
f5_instance_count = 1
ec2_key_name = "my-key"
mgmt_subnet_security_group_ids = [sg-01234567890abcdef]
vpc_mgmt_subnet_ids = [subnet-01234567890abcdef]
module bigip {
source = "f5devcentral/bigip/aws"
prefix = "bigip"
f5_instance_count = 1
ec2_key_name = "my-key"
mgmt_subnet_security_group_ids = [sg-01234567890abcdef]
public_subnet_security_group_ids = [sg-01234567890ghijkl]
private_subnet_security_group_ids = [sg-01234567890mnopqr]
vpc_mgmt_subnet_ids = [subnet-01234567890abcdef]
vpc_private_subnet_ids = [subnet-01234567890ghijkl]
vpc_mgmt_subnet_ids = [subnet-01234567890mnopqr]