- Tested On
- Windows 11
- Ubuntu 22
- 12 GB RAM (This can be reduced in the compose.yaml depending on AWS env size)
- Docker
- Docker compose
- Python 3
sudo apt install python
- Python Virtual Environment
sudo apt install python3-venv
git clone [email protected]:hotnops/apeman.git
cd apeman
sudo docker compose -f compose.yaml up
A python virtual environment is recommended to ingest the data
cd utils
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
The first time that you start apeman, the AWS nodes and relationships need to be added to the graph. This includes all services, actions, resource types, and condition keys. THIS ONLY NEEDS TO BE RUN ONCE! If AWS updates a service or adds an action, then you will need to re-run this command to honor the new changes. To do this, run the following command:
// From apeman/utils
python -m init.aws_initialize -o ../import
If initialization is successful, you will get an output like this
[*] Writing new schema to awschema.json
[*] Service name: awsre_postprivate not found
[*] Service name: amazonsimpleemailservice-mailmanager not found
[*] Service name: awsusersubscriptions not found
[*] Processing relationship: actions_to_resourcetypes_rels.csv
[*] Finished
Data needs to be ingested and analyzed before Apeman can present useful information. First, create a new directory called "gaad"
// cd back to the root apeman dir
cd ../
mkdir gaad
touch gaad/arns.csv
Next, for every account you want analyzed, perform the following action
aws iam get-account-authorization-details --output json > gaad/<account_number>.json
Optionally, you can obtain a list of all the ARNs in the account. This may help produce more accurate results and is meant to supplement the account authorization details
aws resource-explorer-2 search --query-string "*" | jq -r '.Resources[] | [.Arn] | @csv' >> import/arns.csv
Now all the data collected gets ingested into the graph database
python -m ingest.ingest -i ../gaad -o ../import
If ingest is successful, you will get an output like this:
[*] Processing relationship: member_of_rels.csv
[*] Processing relationship: condition_key_to_condition_rels.csv
[*] Processing relationship: condition_value_to_condition_rels.csv
[*] Processing relationship: operator_to_condition_rels.csv
[*] Processing relationship: multi_operator_to_condition_rels.csv
[*] Processing relationship: allow_action_to_statement_rels.csv
[*] Processing relationship: deny_action_to_statement_rels.csv
[*] Processing relationship: statement_to_allow_action_blob_rels.csv
[*] Processing relationship: statement_to_deny_action_blob_rels.csv
[*] Processing relationship: statement_to_resource_rels.csv
[*] Processing relationship: statement_to_resource_blob_rels.csv
[*] Processing csv arns.csv
Lastly, the data needs to be analyzed
python -m analyze.analyze
If you have updated or new JSON files, you will need to re-ingest all the data and re-analyze. To remove all data, run the following command
python -m ingest.ingest -d
After this, rerun the ingest and analyze commands:
python -m ingest.ingest -i ../path/to/gaad/directory -o ../import
python -m analyze.analyze
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