This repository contains code and data to reproduce analyses presented in Averill et al. 202x. Defending Earth's terrestrial microbiome (Journal Name). This code is written in R, Python and Javascript (Google Earth Engine) languages.
- contains coordinates of GlobalFungi observations used in this analysis.
- Supplementary_Data_File_2._Studies_and_Effect Sizes.csv contains responses, variances and associated publication DOI codes used in our meta-analysis.
- micro.restoration_meta_analysis_code.r reproduces our meta-analysis, and generates Figure 3.
- performs an under-sampling analysis. This depends on a harmonized stack of global environmental layers. We detail the sources of these publicly available layers in Supplementary Data File 1, in our associated manuscript.
- undersampling_image.js generates manuscript Figure 2 - a global map of soil fungal under-sampling.