C# .NET Core + DDD + Hangfire + Swagger + Automapper + FluentValidation + Log4Net + EF Core
- #1 Foundation for any project following .Net Core, REST API, DDD and micro-services architecture
- #2 Crypto bot that combines analytical trading with people's accuracy
- #3 Aim to reduce market volatility acting as a whole.
- Phase #1 Whatsapp notification upon buy/sell orders (Perception)
- Phase #2 Allow coummunity to create indicators (Collaboration)
- Phase #3 Identify best indicators (Expectation)
- Phase #4 Automate buys/sells on Binance API (Automation)
- Phase #5 Recongnize best users (Reputation)
- Phase #6 Reward users (Reward)
Clone the shared respository next to the folder where you have cloned crypto-watcher. Nugets are in progress so, for now, I am just cross referencing the projects.
Debug the API. By default it uses an in-memory database, so, everything should load.