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Version 0.8.0

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@philippjfr philippjfr released this 31 Jan 16:35

This release focuses primarily on solidifying existing functionality, significantly improving performance and fixing a number of important bugs. Additionally this release contains exciting new functionality, including several new components. We want to thank the many contributors to this release (a full list is provided at the bottom), particularly @MarcSkovMadsen (the author of and @xavArtley, who has been hard at work at improving VTK support. We also want to thank the remaining contributors including @philippjfr, @ceball, @jbednar, @jlstevens, @Italirz, @mattpap, @Jacob-Barhak, @stefjunod and @kgullikson88. This release required only minimal changes in existing APIs and added a small number of new ones, reflecting the fact that Panel is now relatively stable and is progressing steadily towards a 1.0 release.

Major Features & Enhancements

  • Added new DeckGL pane (#1019, #1027)
  • Major improvements to support for JS linking (#1007)
  • Huge performance improvements when nesting a lot of components deeply (#867, #888, #895, #988)
  • Add support for displaying callback errors and print output in the notebook simplifying debugging (#977)
  • Add support for dynamically populating Tabs (#995)
  • Added FileSelector widget to browse the servers file system and select files (#909)
  • Add pn.serve function to serve multiple apps at once on the same serve (#963)
  • Add a JSON pane to display json data in a tree format (#953)


  • Updated Parameter mappings (#999)
  • Ensure that closed tabs update Tabs.objects (#973)
  • Fixed HoloViews axis linking across Template roots (#980)
  • Merge FactorRange when linking HoloViews axes (#968)
  • Expose title and other kwargs on .show() (#962)
  • Let FileInput widget set filename (#956
  • Expose further bokeh CLI commands and added help (#951)
  • Enable responsive sizing for Vega/altair pane (#949)
  • Added encode parameter to SVG pane (#913)
  • Improve Markdown handling including syntax highlighting and indentation (#881)
  • Add ability to define Template variables (#815)
  • Allow configuring responsive behavior globally (#851)
  • Ensure that changes applied in callbacks are reflected on the frontend immediately (#857)
  • Add ability to add axes coordinates to VTK view (#817)
  • Add config option for safe_embed which ensures all state is recorded (#1040)
  • Implemented __signature__ for tab completion (#1029)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed DataFrame widget selection parameter (#989)
  • Fixes for rendering long strings on Windows systems (#986)
  • Ensure that panel does not modify user objects (#967)
  • Fix multi-level expand Param subobject (#965)
  • Ensure load_notebook is executed only once (#1000)
  • Fixed bug updating StaticText on server (#964)
  • Do not link HoloViews axes with different types (#937)
  • Ensure that integer sliders are actually integers (#876)
  • Ensure that GridBox contents maintain size (#971)


Backwards compatibility

  • The Ace pane has been deprecated in favor of the Ace widget (#908)


  • Updated Django multiple app example and user guide (#928) [@stefjunod]
  • Clarify developer installation instructions, and fix up some metadata. (#952, #978)
  • Added Param reference notebook (#944)
  • Added Divider reference notebook