Version 0.7.0
This major release includes significant new functionality along with important bug and documentation fixes, including contributions from @philippjfr (maintainer and lead developer), @xavArtley (VTK support), @jbednar (docs), @DancingQuanta (FileInput), @a-recknagel (Python 3.8 support, misc), @julwin (TextAreaInput, PasswordInput), @rs2 (example notebooks), @xtaje (default values), @Karamya (Audio widget), @ceball, @ahuang11 , @eddienko, @Jacob-Barhak, @jlstevens, @jsignell, @kleavor, @lsetiawan, @mattpap, @maxibor, and @RedBeardCode.
Major enhancements:
- Added pn.ipywidget() function for using panels and panes as ipwidgets, e.g. in voila (#745, #755, #771)
- Greatly expanded and improved Pipeline, which now allows branching graphs (#712, #735, #737, #770)
- Added streaming helper objects, including for the streamz package (#767, #769)
- Added VTK gallery example and other VTK enhancements (#605, #606, #715, #729)
- Add GridBox layout (#608, #761, #763)
- New widgets and panes:
Other enhancements:
- Make Row/Column scrollable (#760)
- Support file-like objects (not just paths) for images (#686)
- Added isdatetime utility (#687)
- Added repr, kill_all_servers, and cache to pn.state (#697,#776)
- Added Slider value_throttled parameter (#777)
- Extended existing widgets and panes:
- WidgetBox can be disabled programmatically (#532)
- Templates can now render inside a notebook cell (#666)
- Added jscallback method to Viewable objects (#665)
- Added min_characters parameter to AutocompleteInput (#721)
- Added accept parameter to FileInput (#602)
- Added definition_order parameter to CrossSelector (#570)
- Misc widget fixes and improvements (#703, #717, #724, #762, #775)
Bug fixes and minor improvements:
- Removed mutable default args (#692, #694)
- Improved tests (#691, #699, #700)
- Improved fancy layout for scrubber (#571)
- Improved plotly datetime handling (#688, #698)
- Improved JSON embedding (#589)
- Misc fixes and improvements (#626, #631, #645, #662, #681, #689, #695, #723, #725, #738, #743, #744, #748, #749, #758, #768, #772, #774, #775, #779, #784, #785, #787, #788, #789)
- Prepare support for python 3.8 (#702)