This is a C++ implementation of an Error State Kalman Filter or Multiplicative Kalman Filter roughly based on Attitude Error Representations for Kalman Filtering by Landis Markley suitable for projects to fuse IMU measurements (gyroscope, accelerometer and magnetometer). In contrast to the paper I extended the state to x,y,z position, x,y,z velocities and x,y,z accelerations. Be aware that the linear velocity and position estimates are of no use. I included them just as an experiment. Instead of the gyro drift I added the angular velocity to the state. Also I use the quaternion to rotation matrix transformation from Euclideanspace.
This implementation depends on Eigen. For projects you can use Eigen_Platformio_Header.
#include <Eigen.h>
#include <ESKF.h>
#include <Quaternion.h>
// magnetometer calibration
Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 3> W; // soft-iron
Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 1> V; // hard-iron
float incl; // inclination
float B; // geomagnetic field strength
IMU_EKF::ESKF<float> filter;
void setup()
// fill magnetometer calibration stuff
// Winv <<
// W <<
// B =
// incl =
float ax, ay, az;
// read accelerometer
filter.initWithAcc(ax, ay, az);
void loop()
float dt;
bool readMag; // assume magnetometer has lower update rate as acellerometer and gyroscope
// calculate dt
// read sensors
filter.correctGyr(gx, gy, gz);
filter.correctAcc(ax, ay, az);
if (readMag)
filter.correctMag(mx, my, mz, incl, B, W, V);
// get attitude as roll, pitch, yaw
float roll, pitch, yaw;
filter.getAttitude(roll, pitch, yaw);
// or quaternion
IMU_EKF::Quaternion<float> q = filter.getAttitude();