Formalizing Logic in Lean4
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The key results are summarised in Logic/Summary.lean
- Logic
- Vorspiel: Supplementary definitions and theorems for Mathlib
- Logic
- AutoProver: Automated theorem proving based on proof search
- Propositional: Propositional logic
- Basic
- ManySorted: Many-sorted logic
- Basic
- FirstOrder: First-order logic
- Basic
- Computability: encodeing, computability
- Completeness: Completeness theorem
- Arith: Arithmetic
- Incompleteness: Incompleteness theorem
- SecondOrder: Monadic second-order logic
- Modal: Variants of modal logics
- Normal: Normal propositional modal logic
Definition | Notation | ||
Derivation in Tait-Calculus + Cut | LO.Propositional.Derivation | ⊢¹ Γ |
Tarski's truth definition condition | LO.Propositional.semantics | v ⊧ p |
theorem LO.Propositional.soundness {α : Type u_1} {T : LO.Propositional.Theory α} {p : LO.Propositional.Formula α} : T ⊢ p → T ⊨ p
noncomputable def LO.Propositional.completeness {α : Type u_1} {T : LO.Propositional.Theory α} {p : LO.Propositional.Formula α} : T ⊨ p → T ⊢ p
Definition | Notation | ||
Derivation in Tait-Calculus + Cut | LO.FirstOrder.Derivation | ⊢¹ Γ |
Tarski's truth definition condition | LO.FirstOrder.Models | M ⊧ₘ σ |
Axiom of equality | LO.FirstOrder.Theory.Eq | 𝐄𝐪 |
Finitely axiomatized fragment of |
LO.FirstOrder.Arith.Theory.PAminus | 𝐏𝐀⁻ |
Induction of open formula | LO.FirstOrder.Arith.Theory.IOpen | 𝐈open |
Induction of |
LO.FirstOrder.Arith.Theory.ISigma | 𝐈𝚺 |
Peano arithmetic | LO.FirstOrder.Arith.Theory.Peano | 𝐏𝐀 |
def LO.FirstOrder.Derivation.hauptsatz {L : LO.FirstOrder.Language} [(k : ℕ) → DecidableEq (LO.FirstOrder.Language.Func L k)] [(k : ℕ) → DecidableEq (LO.FirstOrder.Language.Rel L k)] {Δ : LO.FirstOrder.Sequent L} : ⊢¹ Δ → { d : ⊢¹ Δ // LO.FirstOrder.Derivation.CutFree d }
theorem LO.FirstOrder.soundness {L : LO.FirstOrder.Language} {T : Set (LO.FirstOrder.Sentence L)} {σ : LO.FirstOrder.Sentence L} : T ⊢ σ → T ⊨ σ
noncomputable def LO.FirstOrder.completeness {L : LO.FirstOrder.Language} {T : LO.FirstOrder.Theory L} {σ : LO.FirstOrder.Sentence L} : T ⊨ σ → T ⊢ σ
Gödel's first incompleteness theorem
theorem LO.FirstOrder.Arith.first_incompleteness (T : LO.FirstOrder.Theory ℒₒᵣ) [DecidablePred T] [𝐄𝐪 ≾ T] [𝐏𝐀⁻ ≾ T] [LO.FirstOrder.Arith.SigmaOneSound T] [LO.FirstOrder.Theory.Computable T] : ¬LO.System.Complete T
- undecidable sentence
theorem LO.FirstOrder.Arith.undecidable (T : LO.FirstOrder.Theory ℒₒᵣ) [DecidablePred T] [𝐄𝐪 ≾ T] [𝐏𝐀⁻ ≾ T] [LO.FirstOrder.Arith.SigmaOneSound T] [LO.FirstOrder.Theory.Computable T] : T ⊬ LO.FirstOrder.Arith.FirstIncompleteness.undecidable T ∧ T ⊬ ~LO.FirstOrder.Arith.FirstIncompleteness.undecidable T
- undecidable sentence
In this formalization, (Modal) Logic means set of axioms.
Logic | Definition | Notation | Remarks |
LO.Modal.Normal.LogicK | 𝐊 |
LO.Modal.Normal.LogicKD | 𝐊𝐃 |
LO.Modal.Normal.LogicS4 | 𝐒𝟒 |
Alias of 𝐊𝐓𝟒 . |
LO.Modal.Normal.LogicS4Dot2 | 𝐒𝟒.𝟐 |
LO.Modal.Normal.LogicS4Dot3 | 𝐒𝟒.𝟑 |
LO.Modal.Normal.LogicS4Grz | 𝐒𝟒𝐆𝐫𝐳 |
LO.Modal.Normal.LogicS5 | 𝐒𝟓 |
Alias of 𝐊𝐓𝟓 . |
LO.Modal.Normal.LogicGL | 𝐆𝐋 |
Definition | Notation | ||
Satisfy | LO.Modal.Normal.Formula.Satisfies | w ⊧ᴹˢ[M] φ |
Valid on model (Models) | LO.Modal.Normal.Formula.Models | ⊧ᴹᵐ[M] φ |
Valid on frame (Frames) | LO.Modal.Normal.Formula.Frames | ⊧ᴹᶠ[F] φ |
Consequence on frame | LO.Modal.Normal.Formula.FrameConsequence | Γ ⊨ᴹᶠ[F] φ |
Hilbert-style Deduction on logic |
LO.Modal.Normal.Deduction | Γ ⊢ᴹ[Λ] φ |
- Soundness of Hilbert-style deduction for
Extensions (i.e.𝐊𝐃
, etc.)theorem LO.Modal.Normal.Logic.Hilbert.sounds {α : Type u} [Inhabited α] {β : Type u} [Inhabited β] (Λ : AxiomSet α) (f : Frame β) (hf : f ∈ (FrameClass β α Λ)) {p : LO.Modal.Normal.Formula α} (h : ⊢ᴹ[Λ] p) : ⊧ᴹᶠ[f] p
- Consistency
theorem LO.Modal.Normal.Logic.Hilbert.consistency {α : Type u} {β : Type u} (Λ : AxiomSet α) (hf : ∃ f, f ∈ (FrameClass β α Λ)) : ⊬ᴹ[Λ]! ⊥
- WIP: Currently, these theorems was proved where only
- Consistency
- Strong Completeness of Hilbert-style deduction for
Extensionsdef Completeness {α β : Type u} (Λ : AxiomSet β) (𝔽 : FrameClass α) := ∀ (Γ : Theory β) (p : Formula β), (Γ ⊨ᴹ[𝔽] p) → (Γ ⊢ᴹ[Λ]! p) theorem LogicK.Hilbert.completes {β : Type u} [inst✝ : DecidableEq β] : Completeness (𝐊 : AxiomSet β) (𝔽((𝐊 : AxiomSet β)) : FrameClass (MaximalConsistentTheory (𝐊 : AxiomSet β)))
- J. Han, F. van Doorn, A formalization of forcing and the unprovability of the continuum hypothesis
- W. Pohlers, Proof Theory: The First Step into Impredicativity
- P. Hájek, P. Pudlák, Metamathematics of First-Order Arithmetic
- R. Kaye, Models of Peano arithmetic
- 田中 一之, ゲーデルと20世紀の論理学
- 菊池 誠 (編者), 『数学における証明と真理 ─ 様相論理と数学基礎論』
- P. Blackburn, M. de Rijke, Y. Venema, "Modal Logic"
- Open Logic Project, "The Open Logic Text"
- R. Hakli, S. Negri, "Does the deduction theorem fail for modal logic?"
- G. Boolos, "The Logic of Provability"