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Idam user disposer


This micro-service runs periodically and disposes archived citizen accounts

Extra functionality

Available on tag v2.0.0 and also as a separate read-only branch.

Role-assignments returns paged results, however we overlooked this and disposer-idam-user deleted a lot more users than had to. This caused us to write additional functionality to restore all the users, which we don't expect to use in the future. But if ever need to, there are few things required outside of our app control. This is an attempt to document those requirements.

Additional functionality is:

  • idam user restorer. Used to restore deleted users. Flow roughly looks like this:
    • get deleted users from lau-idam-backend DB table in batches
    • iterate over deleted entries individually and create a request
    • call idam api to insert the user
    • check the response for any potential conflicts due to user already present on idam

idam account_restorer diagram

  • role assignments merger. If there were conflicts due to user already existing on idam we needed to merge old user id with a new user id. Flow roughly looks like this:
    • get deleted users from lau-idam-backend DB table in batches
    • query idam for the user using email address
    • check if there are multiple IDs for the same user for the same email
    • on multiple IDs get role assignments for deleted user from role assignments
    • create role assignments request using new user (active) id and assigning old user (deleted/archived) role assignments to the new user

role_merger diagram

For role assignments to work we need:

  • search-user scope in [idam-access-config]( Revert PR is here

and we need to add environment variables in cnp-flux-config for all environments:


We disabled some functional tests in order for pipeline to pass, as permission was already removed.

Getting started


Building the application

The project uses Gradle as a build tool. It already contains gradlew wrapper script, so there's no need to install system-wide gradle.

To build the project execute the following command:

./gradlew build

Running the application

Create the image of the application by executing the following command:

  ./gradlew assemble

Create docker image:

  docker-compose build

Run the distribution by executing the following command:

  docker-compose up

This will start the container and by default exits immediately as service is set to disabled. If service were enabled, then it would try to fetch stale (archived) users from idam-api, filter by roles querying (am-role-assignments) and call user deletion endpoint on idam-api.

Alternative script to run application

To skip all the setting up and building, just execute the following command:


For more information:

./bin/ -h

Script includes bare minimum environment variables necessary to start api instance. Whenever any variable is changed or any other script regarding docker image/container build, the suggested way to ensure all is cleaned up properly is by this command:

docker-compose rm

It clears stopped containers correctly. Might consider removing clutter of images too, especially the ones fiddled with:

docker images

docker image rm <image-id>

There is no need to remove postgres and java or similar core images.


Unit tests

To run all unit tests execute the following command:

./gradlew test

Integration tests

To run all integration tests execute the following command:

./gradlew integration

Functional tests

Functional tests require setting the right environment variables pointing to idam-api and am-role-assignemnt services. To access those services, VPN needs to be connected. To get secret and password refer to disposer key-vault. Once everything is setup, functional tests can be executed using the following command:

./gradlew functional

Code quality checks

We use checkstyle and PMD.

To run all checks execute the following command:

./gradlew clean checkstyleMain checkstyleTest checkstyleIntegrationTest pmdMain pmdTest pmdIntegrationTest

or to generate a code coverage report execute the following command:

./gradlew integration functional jacocoTestReport


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details