通过 | 失败 | 帮助 | 合计 | |
简单 | 72 | 0 | 1 | 73 |
中等 | 100 | 3 | 7 | 110 |
困难 | 20 | 1 | 3 | 24 |
合计 | 192 | 4 | 11 | 207 |
- ✔ 1. Two Sum [简单]
- ✔ 2. Add Two Numbers [中等]
- ✔ 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters [中等]
- ✔ 4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays [困难]
- ✔ 5. Longest Palindromic Substring [中等]
- ✔ 6. ZigZag Conversion [中等]
- ✔ 7. Reverse Integer [中等]
- ✔ 8. String to Integer (atoi) [中等]
- ✔ 9. Palindrome Number [简单]
- ✔ 10. Regular Expression Matching [困难]
- ✔ 11. Container With Most Water [中等]
- ✔ 12. Integer to Roman [中等]
- ✔ 13. Roman to Integer [简单]
- ✔ 14. Longest Common Prefix [简单]
- ✔ 15. 3Sum [中等]
- ✔ 16. 3Sum Closest [中等]
- ✔ 17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number [中等]
- ✔ 18. 4Sum [中等]
- ✔ 19. Remove Nth Node From End of List [中等]
- ✔ 20. Valid Parentheses [简单]
- ✔ 21. Merge Two Sorted Lists [简单]
- ✔ 22. Generate Parentheses [中等]
- ✔ 23. Merge k Sorted Lists [困难]
- ✔ 24. Swap Nodes in Pairs [中等]
- ✔ 25. Reverse Nodes in k-Group [困难]
- ✔ 26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array [简单]
- ✔ 27. Remove Element [简单]
- ✔ 28. Implement strStr() [简单]
- ⚑ 29. Divide Two Integers [中等]
- ✔ 30. Substring with Concatenation of All Words [困难]
- ✔ 31. Next Permutation [中等]
- ⚑ 32. Longest Valid Parentheses [困难]
- ✔ 33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array [中等]
- ✔ 34. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array [简单]
- ✔ 35. Search Insert Position [简单]
- ✔ 36. Valid Sudoku [中等]
- ✔ 37. Sudoku Solver [困难]
- ✔ 38. Count and Say [中等]
- ✔ 39. Combination Sum [中等]
- ✔ 40. Combination Sum II [中等]
- ✔ 41. First Missing Positive [困难]
- ✔ 42. Trapping Rain Water [困难]
- ✔ 43. Multiply Strings [中等]
- ✔ 44. Wildcard Matching [困难]
- ✔ 45. Jump Game II [中等]
- ✔ 46. Permutations [中等]
- ✔ 47. Permutations II [中等]
- ✔ 48. Rotate Image [中等]
- ✔ 49. Group Anagrams [中等]
- ✔ 50. Pow(x, n) [简单]
- ✔ 53. Maximum Subarray [简单]
- ✔ 54. Spiral Matrix [中等]
- ✔ 55. Jump Game [中等]
- ✔ 56. Merge Intervals [中等]
- ✔ 57. Insert Interval [中等]
- ✔ 58. Length of Last Word [简单]
- ✔ 59. Spiral Matrix II [中等]
- ✔ 60. Permutation Sequence [困难]
- ✔ 61. Rotate List [中等]
- ✔ 62. Unique Paths [中等]
- ✔ 63. Unique Paths II [中等]
- ✔ 64. Minimum Path Sum [中等]
- ✔ 65. Valid Number [困难]
- ✔ 66. Plus One [简单]
- ✔ 67. Add Binary [简单]
- ✔ 69. Sqrt(x) [简单]
- ✔ 70. Climbing Stairs [简单]
- ✔ 71. Simplify Path [中等]
- ✔ 73. Set Matrix Zeroes [中等]
- ✔ 74. Search a 2D Matrix [中等]
- ✔ 75. Sort Colors [中等]
- ✔ 76. Minimum Window Substring [困难]
- ✔ 77. Combinations [中等]
- ✔ 78. Subsets [中等]
- ✔ 79. Word Search [中等]
- ✔ 80. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II [中等]
- ✔ 81. Search in Rotated Sorted Array II [中等]
- ✔ 82. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II [中等]
- ✔ 83. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List [简单]
- ✔ 86. Partition List [中等]
- ✔ 88. Merge Sorted Array [简单]
- ✔ 89. Gray Code [中等]
- ✔ 90. Subsets II [中等]
- ✔ 91. Decode Ways [中等]
- ✔ 92. Reverse Linked List II [中等]
- ✔ 93. Restore IP Addresses [中等]
- ✔ 94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal [简单]
- ✘ 95. Unique Binary Search Trees II [中等]
- ✔ 97. Interleaving String [中等]
- ✔ 98. Validate Binary Search Tree [中等]
- ✔ 101. Symmetric Tree [简单]
- ✔ 102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal [中等]
- ✔ 103. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal [中等]
- ✔ 104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree [简单]
- ✔ 105. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal [中等]
- ✔ 106. Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal [中等]
- ✔ 107. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II [中等]
- ✔ 108. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree [简单]
- ✔ 109. Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree [中等]
- ✔ 110. Balanced Binary Tree [简单]
- ✔ 111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree [简单]
- ✔ 112. Path Sum [简单]
- ✔ 113. Path Sum II [中等]
- ✔ 114. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List [中等]
- ✔ 116. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node [中等]
- ✔ 117. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II [中等]
- ✔ 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock [简单]
- ✔ 148. Sort List [中等]
- ✔ 151. Reverse Words in a String [中等]
- ✔ 153. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array [中等]
- ✔ 154. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II [困难]
- ✔ 155. Min Stack [简单]
- ✔ 160. Intersection of Two Linked Lists [简单]
- ✔ 165. Compare Version Numbers [中等]
- ✔ 166. Fraction to Recurring Decimal [中等]
- ✔ 169. Majority Element [简单]
- ✔ 190. Reverse Bits [简单]
- ✔ 191. Number of 1 Bits [简单]
- ✔ 206. Reverse Linked List [简单]
- ✔ 211. Design Add and Search Words Data Structure [中等]
- ✔ 219. Contains Duplicate II [简单]
- ✔ 223. Rectangle Area [中等]
- ✔ 226. Invert Binary Tree [简单]
- ✔ 230. Kth Smallest Element in a BST [中等]
- ⚑ 233. Number of Digit One [困难]
- ✔ 235. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree [简单]
- ✔ 236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree [中等]
- ✔ 237. Delete Node in a Linked List [简单]
- ✔ 239. Sliding Window Maximum [困难]
- ✔ 240. Search a 2D Matrix II [中等]
- ✔ 257. Binary Tree Paths [简单]
- ✔ 263. Ugly Number [简单]
- ⚑ 264. Ugly Number II [中等]
- ✔ 268. Missing Number [简单]
- ✔ 273. Integer to English Words [困难]
- ✘ 282. Expression Add Operators [困难]
- ✔ 295. Find Median from Data Stream [困难]
- ✔ 297. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree [困难]
- ✔ 299. Bulls and Cows [中等]
- ✔ 335. Self Crossing [困难]
- ✔ 343. Integer Break [中等]
- ✔ 367. Valid Perfect Square [简单]
- ⚑ 375. Guess Number Higher or Lower II [中等]
- ✔ 400. Nth Digit [中等]
- ✔ 412. Fizz Buzz [简单]
- ✘ 413. Arithmetic Slices [中等]
- ✔ 437. Path Sum III [中等]
- ✔ 453. Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements [简单]
- ✔ 476. Number Complement [简单]
- ✔ 496. Next Greater Element I [简单]
- ✔ 575. Distribute Candies [简单]
- ✔ 598. Range Addition II [简单]
- ⚑ 600. Non-negative Integers without Consecutive Ones [困难]
- ✘ 678. Valid Parenthesis String [中等]
- ✔ 692. Top K Frequent Words [中等]
- ✔ 704. Binary Search [简单]
- ✔ 767. Reorganize String [中等]
- ✔ 869. Reordered Power of 2 [中等]
- ✔ 946. Validate Stack Sequences [中等]
- ✔ 1109. Corporate Flight Bookings [中等]
- ✔ 1221. Split a String in Balanced Strings [简单]
- ✔ 1301. Number of Paths with Max Score [困难]
- ✔ 1332. Remove Palindromic Subsequences [简单]
- ✔ 1337. The K Weakest Rows in a Matrix [简单]
- ✔ 1717. Maximum Score from Removing Substrings [中等]
- ✔ 1738. Find Kth Largest XOR Coordinate Value [中等]
- ✔ 1790. Check if One String Swap Can Make Strings Equal [简单]
- ✔ 1894. Find the Student that Will Replace the Chalk [中等]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 03. 数组中重复的数字 [简单]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 05. 替换空格 [简单]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 06. 从尾到头打印链表 [简单]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 09. 用两个栈实现队列 [简单]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 10 - I. 斐波那契数列 [简单]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 13. 机器人的运动范围 [中等]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 17. 打印从1到最大的n位数 [简单]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 18. 删除链表的节点 [简单]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 20. 表示数值的字符串 [中等]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 21. 调整数组顺序使奇数位于偶数前面 [简单]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 22. 链表中倒数第k个节点 [简单]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 26. 树的子结构 [中等]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 32 - I. 从上到下打印二叉树 [简单]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 32 - III. 从上到下打印二叉树 III [中等]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 33. 二叉搜索树的后序遍历序列 [中等]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 35. 复杂链表的复制 [中等]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 36. 二叉搜索树与双向链表 [中等]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 38. 字符串的排列 [中等]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 40. 最小的k个数 [简单]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 45. 把数组排成最小的数 [中等]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 46. 把数字翻译成字符串 [中等]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 47. 礼物的最大价值 [中等]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 50. 第一个只出现一次的字符 [简单]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 51. 数组中的逆序对 [困难]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 53 - II. 0~n-1中缺失的数字 [简单]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 54. 二叉搜索树的第k大节点 [简单]
- ⚑ 剑指 Offer 56 - I. 数组中数字出现的次数 [中等]
- ⚑ 剑指 Offer 56 - II. 数组中数字出现的次数 II [中等]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 57. 和为s的两个数字 [简单]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 57 - II. 和为s的连续正数序列 [中等]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 58 - II. 左旋转字符串 [简单]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 59 - II. 队列的最大值 [中等]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 60. n个骰子的点数 [中等]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 61. 扑克牌中的顺子 [简单]
- ⚑ 剑指 Offer 62. 圆圈中最后剩下的数字 [简单]
- ⚑ 剑指 Offer 64. 求1+2+…+n [中等]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer 65. 不用加减乘除做加法 [简单]
- ⚑ 剑指 Offer 66. 构建乘积数组 [中等]
- ✔ 剑指 Offer II 069. 山峰数组的顶部 [简单]