I made my own LightRoom type filter app with streamlit and python , and deployed to Heroku it can be found here https://laser-sketch.herokuapp.com/
Platform used Python Anaconda 3.8 for Windows, the Streamlit app.
Install instructions for streamlit is here https://docs.streamlit.io/en/0.78.0/installation.html
Following dependinces below will need to be loaded ither through pip or conda install.
import numba # We added these two lines for a 500x speedup import cv2 import streamlit as st import numpy as np from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance import math import sys, PIL.Image import numba.cuda import scipy
When finished you can test locally open an Anconda prompt cd into .spyder-py3 test your streamlit install. streamlit hello This will start the stremlit demo.
To test laser_skectch.py enter the following prompt
streamlit run laser_sketch.py