This repository contains various experiment related to grpc in golang. The setup per experiment is described in the experiments section below
The contracts
directory contain a submodule which points to the grpc-lab-contracts repo
The repo uses buf
to generate the definitions. The contracts repo contains the buf modules
. buf generate and work files are contained in this repo
You need to have the following protobuf
tools in your path before you generate go structs from proto definitions
Protoc Gen for go
go install
Protoc Gen for go-grpc
go install
Grpc Gateway tools
go install
go install
The generated files are contained in the generated directory. To regenerate the proto definitions use the following command
buf generate
The repo contains a launcher script at the root
The script assumes a running zookeeper instance on localhost:2181
Its start 3 grpcs servers on port 5001, 5002 and 5003
The repo also contains a clinet which start with a zookeeper resolver in a round robin strategy
The repo contains an integration test balancer_test.go
It contain two tests
- PingTest : This test sping up a clinet and make 100 pings to the server based on different
(just some metadata). Based on this metadata the balancer chooses which server the ping should be routed too - ChatTest : It works same as ping test except the rpc used underneath uses bi-di streaming
- Add better tests
- Better error handling for zookeeper
- Add more examples using etcd/consul etc
Implemented a book service which is a basic in memory CRUD application.
The primary thing is this book servce get exposes as an http service using grpc-gateway
To run this service you need to you need to build the repo using
go build -o lab
Once build you can run the bookstore example using
./lab bookstore --port=<port_of_grpc_server> --clientPort=<port_for_grpc_gateway_reverse_proxy>
Once running you it exposes following http endpoints
- List of Books - GET
- Get a book - DELETE
- Delete a book - POST
- Create a book Payload -'{"title":"Designing Data Intensive Applications", "author":"Michael Kleppman"}'