The code in this repository seeks to understand the effect of non-zero covariance (synchronous firing) in a population of Purkinje cells on a downstream neuron in the deep cerebellar nucleus. Current recording methodolgies allow us to record for pairs (or sometimes triplets) of Purkinje cells simultaneously, but estimates suggest that approximately 40-50 Purkinje cells synapse on a single cerebellar nucleus neuron (c.f., Person and Raman, 2012). As we cannot record from the entire presynaptic Purkinje cell population simultaneously, we use simulation to estimate the combined effect of synchronous spiking across this population of 40-50 Purkinje cells.
To answer this question, the code in the repository constructs two populations of simulated Purkinje cells. These Purkinje cells are modeled as Poisson distributed point-process neurons. In the first "independent" population, we assume that all simulated Purkinje cells have zero covariance. In the second population, we bootstrap a covariance matrix by choosing random covariance values between pairs of Purkinje cells from the distribution that we actually measured. By keeping the mean firing rates of the two populations the same, we can ask what the effect of changes in the temporal spiking patterns might have on the downstream nuclei.
Raw data necessary for these simulations are stored in the Open Science
Framework repository located here. In particular,
you will need an HDF5 file called pairwise_covariance.h5
. This file
contains the measured pair-wise covariance values from our Purkinje
cell population. This HDF5 file should be placed in the top-level
directory of this package after checkout.
The simulations were performed and tested in Julia v1.8, but should be compatible with any version of Julia greater than v1.0. Following installation of Julia, several additional Julia packages will need to be installed to read from the HDF5 file and perform plotting.
All commands necessary to run the simulation, including the installation
of additional packages, can be found in the Jupyter notebook
). Note that you do not need to install
Jupyter to run these commands. Rather, these commands can be copy-and-pasted
directly into a Julia terminal in the order seen in the notebook.
To aid in comparison with past results, namely those from Person and Raman (2012),
our goal was to describe how many Purkinje cells would need to have identical
spiketrains to produce the average distribution of spikes in the independent
and non-zero covariance populations. If all Purkinje cellss are independent,
then one spike in one Purkinje cell would be accompanied, on average, by