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@github-actions github-actions released this 06 Sep 08:21
· 6 commits to master since this release


Poetry - Package Management for Python

Version: 1.8.3
Poetry-Core Version: 1.9.0

Poetry is a dependency manager tracking local dependencies of your projects and libraries.
See for more information.
Python 3.12.5 (main, Aug 14 2024, 05:08:11) [Clang 18.1.8 ]

poetry self show
build                1.2.1     A simple, correct Python build frontend
cachecontrol         0.14.0    httplib2 caching for requests
certifi              2024.8.30 Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bu...
cffi                 1.17.1    Foreign Function Interface for Python callin...
charset-normalizer   3.3.2     The Real First Universal Charset Detector. O...
cleo                 2.1.0     Cleo allows you to create beautiful and test...
crashtest            0.4.1     Manage Python errors with ease
cryptography         43.0.1    cryptography is a package which provides cry...
distlib              0.3.8     Distribution utilities
dulwich              0.21.7    Python Git Library
fastjsonschema       2.20.0    Fastest Python implementation of JSON schema
filelock             3.15.4    A platform independent file lock.
idna                 3.8       Internationalized Domain Names in Applicatio...
installer            0.7.0     A library for installing Python wheels.
jaraco-classes       3.4.0     Utility functions for Python class constructs
jeepney              0.8.0     Low-level, pure Python DBus protocol wrapper.
keyring              24.3.1    Store and access your passwords safely.
more-itertools       10.5.0    More routines for operating on iterables, be...
msgpack              1.0.8     MessagePack serializer
packaging            24.1      Core utilities for Python packages
pexpect              4.9.0     Pexpect allows easy control of interactive c...
pkginfo              1.11.1    Query metadata from sdists / bdists / instal...
platformdirs         4.2.2     A small Python package for determining appro...
poetry               1.8.3     Python dependency management and packaging m...
poetry-core          1.9.0     Poetry PEP 517 Build Backend
poetry-plugin-export 1.8.0     Poetry plugin to export the dependencies to ...
poetry-plugin-sort   0.2.1     Poetry plugin to sort the dependencies alpha...
ptyprocess           0.7.0     Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal
pycparser            2.22      C parser in Python
pyproject-hooks      1.1.0     Wrappers to call pyproject.toml-based build ...
rapidfuzz            3.9.7     rapid fuzzy string matching
requests             2.32.3    Python HTTP for Humans.
requests-toolbelt    1.0.0     A utility belt for advanced users of python-...
secretstorage        3.3.3     Python bindings to Secret Se...
shellingham          1.5.4     Tool to Detect Surrounding Shell
tomlkit              0.13.2    Style preserving TOML library
trove-classifiers    2024.7.2  Canonical source for classifiers on PyPI (py...
urllib3              2.2.2     HTTP library with thread-safe connection poo...
virtualenv           20.26.3   Virtual Python Environment builder
poetry self show plugins

  - poetry-plugin-export (1.8.0) Poetry plugin to export the dependencies to various formats
      1 application plugin

        - poetry (>=1.8.0,<3.0.0)
        - poetry-core (>=1.7.0,<3.0.0)

  - poetry-plugin-sort (0.2.1) Poetry plugin to sort the dependencies alphabetically
      1 application plugin

        - poetry (>=1.2.0,<2.0.0)


Poetry - Package Management for Python

Version: 1.8.3
Poetry-Core Version: 1.9.0

Poetry is a dependency manager tracking local dependencies of your projects and libraries.
See for more information.
Python 3.12.5 (main, Aug 14 2024, 04:23:18) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]

poetry self show
build                1.2.1     A simple, correct Python build frontend
cachecontrol         0.14.0    httplib2 caching for requests
certifi              2024.8.30 Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bu...
charset-normalizer   3.3.2     The Real First Universal Charset Detector. O...
cleo                 2.1.0     Cleo allows you to create beautiful and test...
colorama             0.4.6     Cross-platform colored terminal text.
crashtest            0.4.1     Manage Python errors with ease
distlib              0.3.8     Distribution utilities
dulwich              0.21.7    Python Git Library
fastjsonschema       2.20.0    Fastest Python implementation of JSON schema
filelock             3.15.4    A platform independent file lock.
idna                 3.8       Internationalized Domain Names in Applicatio...
installer            0.7.0     A library for installing Python wheels.
jaraco-classes       3.4.0     Utility functions for Python class constructs
keyring              24.3.1    Store and access your passwords safely.
more-itertools       10.5.0    More routines for operating on iterables, be...
msgpack              1.0.8     MessagePack serializer
packaging            24.1      Core utilities for Python packages
pexpect              4.9.0     Pexpect allows easy control of interactive c...
pkginfo              1.11.1    Query metadata from sdists / bdists / instal...
platformdirs         4.2.2     A small Python package for determining appro...
poetry               1.8.3     Python dependency management and packaging m...
poetry-core          1.9.0     Poetry PEP 517 Build Backend
poetry-plugin-export 1.8.0     Poetry plugin to export the dependencies to ...
poetry-plugin-sort   0.2.1     Poetry plugin to sort the dependencies alpha...
ptyprocess           0.7.0     Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal
pyproject-hooks      1.1.0     Wrappers to call pyproject.toml-based build ...
pywin32-ctypes       0.2.3     A (partial) reimplementation of pywin32 usin...
rapidfuzz            3.9.7     rapid fuzzy string matching
requests             2.32.3    Python HTTP for Humans.
requests-toolbelt    1.0.0     A utility belt for advanced users of python-...
shellingham          1.5.4     Tool to Detect Surrounding Shell
tomlkit              0.13.2    Style preserving TOML library
trove-classifiers    2024.7.2  Canonical source for classifiers on PyPI (py...
urllib3              2.2.2     HTTP library with thread-safe connection poo...
virtualenv           20.26.3   Virtual Python Environment builder
poetry self show plugins

  - poetry-plugin-export (1.8.0) Poetry plugin to export the dependencies to various formats
      1 application plugin

        - poetry (>=1.8.0,<3.0.0)
        - poetry-core (>=1.7.0,<3.0.0)

  - poetry-plugin-sort (0.2.1) Poetry plugin to sort the dependencies alphabetically
      1 application plugin

        - poetry (>=1.2.0,<2.0.0)