Assignments I have designed for the Database Fundamentals and Applications course at the VU Amsterdam, part of BSc Econometrics and Data Science (under the supervision of dr. Ronald de Vlaming).
The aim of the assignments is to give students an apportunity to learn how to interact with relational databases with Tableau and Python.
- Tutorial explaining how to connect to MySQL with Python and perform basic visualisations using matplotlib.
- Asignment uses data from Yelp and asks students to write SQL queries to answer business-related questions, perform statistical tests, regressions and visualise results.
- Python code used for transforming Yelp JSON data and pushing it to a MySQL database can be found here.
- Tutorial explaining how to connect to MySQL with Tableau and perform basic visualisations.
- Assignment uses vaccination data from ECDC and youth unemployment data from Eurostat to built basic visualisations, perform calculations and integrate SQL queries in Tableau.
- R code used for transforming the csv files to format appropriate for relational databases can be found here.