A Hellō Client CDK Construct for a Lambda Function
npm install @hellocoop/cdk-client
import { HelloClientConstruct, Scope, ProviderHint } from '@hellocoop/cdk-client'
// Create the Hello Client Lambda and functionUrl
const helloClient = new HelloClientConstruct(this, 'HelloClient', {
clientID: CLIENT_ID, // required = your Hellō client_id from https://console.hello.coop
hostname: HOSTNAME, // recommended - public hostname
// Optional parameters:
cookieToken?: boolean;
// - Set to true to enable if a cookie token is returned in the op=auth response
// Must be true if using the authorizer for API Gateway - see below
loginSyncFunctionName?: string;
// - Name of the lambda function to trigger on login - ARN is built from current region and account
loginSyncFunctionArn?: string;
// - Full ARN of the lambda function to trigger on login - use if lambda is in another region or account
providerHints?: ProviderHint[];
// - Override default providers to show to new users. See https://www.hello.dev/docs/apis/wallet/#provider_hint
scopes?: Scope[];
// - Override default array of scopes to request from the user. See https://www.hello.dev/docs/scopes/
functionName?: string;
// - Override default function name 'HelloClient'
route?: string;
// - Override default route (/api/hellocoop)
sameSiteStrict?: boolean;
// - Set to true to enable SameSite attribute to Strict
logDebug?: boolean;
// - Set to true to enable debug logging
helloDomain?: string;
// - Set to hello-beta.net to use the Hellō Beta service - note this is NOT stable!
// add Hello Client Lambda origin as a behavior to a Cloud Front Distribution
distribution.addBehavior(HELLO_API_ROUTE, new origins.FunctionUrlOrigin(helloClient.functionUrl), {
viewerProtocolPolicy: cf.ViewerProtocolPolicy.HTTPS_ONLY,
allowedMethods: cf.AllowedMethods.ALLOW_ALL,
cachePolicy: cf.CachePolicy.CACHING_DISABLED,
originRequestPolicy: new cf.OriginRequestPolicy(this, 'hellocoop', {
queryStringBehavior: cf.OriginRequestQueryStringBehavior.all(),
cookieBehavior: cf.OriginRequestCookieBehavior.all(),
You provide this Lambda to be called on successful login. It is passed:
"token": "ey ... ID Token for independent verification ...",
"payload": {
"iss": "https://issuer.hello.coop",
"aud": "2000a054-aa09-45a3-9f62-26e03ee9dc76",
"nonce": "4a6fc9b2-0f47-4105-a367-b9ae0ca12784",
"jti": "jti_MUYT099WI3g0h7MDiRuVMhHA_c7g",
"sub": "66752aed-9cc2-4d17-875f-379b1a578f9a",
"name": "Dick Hardt",
"picture": "https://pictures.hello.coop/r/eebce734-44c0-4c39-8161-ba77e08091f9.jpeg",
"email": "[email protected]",
"email_verified": true,
"iat": 1727210134,
"exp": 1727210434
You can then
- create a user if they don't exist
- run a policy and deny access
- change what is returned by auth
- change the path where the user will be redirected
All of the properties are optional:
"accessDenied": true, // will deny access
"updatedAuth": { // will update what is returned by the auth operation
"target_uri": "/new_location" // path to send user when complete
See TBD for details
See client-sample-stack.ts in cdk-sample