This repository contains notebooks that show how to use the mcfly software. Mcfly is deep learning tool for time series classification..
The tutorial can be found in the notebook notebooks/tutorial/tutorial.ipynb. This tutorial will let you train deep learning models with mcfly on the PAMAP2 dataset for activity recognition.
- Python 2.7, 3.5 or 3.6
- Have the following python packages installed:
- mcfly
- jupyter
Mcfly can be installed through pypi:
pip install mcfly
See for alternative installation instructions
The tutorials are provided in Jupyter notebooks, which can be found in the folder notebooks. To use a notebook, first install Jupyter:
pip install jupyter
For more documentation on Jupyter: See the official documentation
Windows users can best use Anaconda 3.6.
- Create a new environment (Environments > Create…)
- Click the play button next to your environment and select ‘Open terminal’
- Type
conda install numpy scipy jupyter
and thenpip install mcfly
- Click the play button again and select ‘open with Jupyter notebook’
- Navigate to the directory where you cloned this repository, where you can open the notebooks
The tutorials can be run using Jupyter. From the tutorial root folder run:
jupyter notebook
There are two versions of the tutorial. The standard tutorial is for self-learning. There is also a version for workshops which is only expected to be used with the aid of an instructor.