DeepGUI is a graphical user interface which generates Deep Learning Frameworks codes for you. You can just add, remove, and edit layers in a graphical way and the interface generates python code for you. Cool, ha?
DeepGUI is built using Electron.js framework.
The new features are as follows:
Now you can use transfer learning.
The bug in the learning rate is fixed.
What's New!? Now you can ...
Generate code using PyTorch framework (although, because PyTorch sequential models doesn't support time analysis, recurrent layers are not supported).
Add new layers between other layers. Previously it was only possible to add layers at the end of the sequence.
Save the diagram into a .dgui file and load it back later.
The specifications of this version:
These layers are available in this version:
- Dense,
- Convolution (1D, 2D, and 3D) layers,
- Pooling (Max and Average) (1D, 2D, and 3D)
- RNN, LSTM, and GRU layers,
- Embedding layer,
- Batch Normalization layer,
- Flatten layer,
- Dropout layer,
- and Activation layer.
Only TensorFlow framework is accessible. PyTorch will be added soon.
Basic configurations of each layer is added. Advanced configurations will be added soon.
Only Sequential models are available in this version.
I provide some screenshots of the GUI here. I know that this configuration is not OK for a 10-class image dataset classification. It's just a simple example.