Hello friend! This cookbook is here to help you setup Go servers and agents in an automated way.
It's primarily tested on newer versions of Ubuntu, but should work on both Debian and Red Hat based distributions. There is also basic support for agents on Windows (enhancements appreciated!).
- How generic should we make this? All platforms or a handful?
- Test it with test-kitchen? (Basic elements there)
- Can we enable pipeline configuration via chef?
go::server will install and start an empty Go server.
vagrant up command now requires ubuntu box name for older versions of vagrant (vagrant up ubuntu) ubuntu is the default for newer versions
go::agent will install and configure a Go agent, and associate it with an existing Go server. By default it will install one agent per CPU. You can override this via node[:go][:agent][:instance_count].
go::default will install both on the same node for Linux OS.
You can use Vagrant and your own chef bootstrapped virtual box base image and vagrant up windows
go recipe will install and configure a Windows Go agent on a Windows os, and associate it with an existing Go server. Does not automatically register agent.
Overrides available for go::agent_windows [:go][:agent][:server_host] - hostname or ip of Go server [:go][:agent][:install_path] - installation path for Go agent [:go][:agent][:java_home] - java home path if using existing java installation [:go][:agent][:download_url] - msi for agent install, if left empty will build download url using [:go][:version]
Author:: Chris Kozak ([email protected]) Author:: Tim Brown ([email protected])