Coresites is a set of AEM components designed to allow rapid webpage creation without the need for custom development. Users can quickly create professional-looking pages using the Coresites template and components and the AEM grid & style systems.
Coresites is designed for Adobe AEM Version 6.4
Apache Maven is required to build the project yourself (version 3.5+ recommended)
View the coresites component documentation on the GitHub project wiki.
Todo: Fill this in when the release packages are built
Clone this repository with Git:
git clone
From the root directory, run the following Maven commands:
- To install Coresites
mvn -PautoInstallPackage clean install
- To install the sample Coresites content
mvn -PautoInstallContentPackage clean install
The CRX host and port can be specified on the command line with: mvn -Dcrx.port=5502