Releases: hduelme/CSV_VaTa
Direct check of entered values
Entered/Selected values checked directly if entered.
Fixed problems with file longer than config sections.
Performance improvements
New data structure for values and errors.
Just validating on load and when entered.
Better matching for PIP8.
Added date-format
Added a date-formate option in the config.
Small performance optimization.
Fixed spelling mistakes.
combo box support toolTip
When hovering over a combo box the tool tip will now display.
Support combo box
If allowed values where defined, they now could be displayed as a combo box.
Not allowed values in a combo box have a red font.
Combo box with a not allowed value selected become red.
Bug Fixe: Hiding rows no longer causes crazy line numbers.
Second Release
Fixed crash opening a file without entries.
Implemented last file loading.
Added new file option.
Added an option to ignore errors on loading/saving.
First release
The first release of the project.