PyTorch implementation of Fish trait segmentation model. This segmentation model is based on pretrained model using the segementation models torch Then the model is fine tune on fish image in order to identify (segment) the different traits. Trait list :
- 'background'
- 'dorsal_fin'
- 'adipos_fin'
- 'caudal_fin'
- 'anal_fin'
- 'pelvic_fin'
- 'pectoral_fin'
- 'head'
- 'eye'
- 'caudal_fin_ray'
- 'alt_fin_ray'
- 'trunk'
- Python (>=3.6)
- PyTorch
- segmentation_models_pytorch
- albumentations
- Numpy
- CV2
- Matplotlib
- Pillow
- Seaborn
- Pylab
- Pandas
Run the single_model_training.ipynb notebook for training.