PHP manga automatic translator library (Works with Google Cloud Platform)
CPU Only, no cuda, no opencv, no local machine learning
- I am not a dev, this project work well, but the code quality is probably shi...
- In order to get acceptable result, your manga/comic raw quality has to be near perfect!!
- Google translate work well when translated from chinese(manhua), but not so well from Japanese(Manga)
If you want to test the library you can use the following example.php file or use the dedicated frontend :
- Open image (jpeg, png, gif or bmp)
- Detect textboxes
- Detect font size
- OCR Text in textboxes
- Remove old text from textboxes
- Check in sqliteDB if we already know the translation for the current string
- Use Google API to translate (or free Deepl API)
- Expand textboxes if possible
- Adapt translation font size to fit in textboxes
- write translation in the corresponding textboxes
- export image
- Let me know
create a composer.json file in your project, and add:
"minimum-stability": "dev",
"require": {
"hcharbonnier/mangatranslation": ">=1.3.0"
then install depedencies:
composer install
mkdir uploads
- php-7.4 (not tested with php<7.4 but could work)
- php-gd
- php-openssl
- php-bcmath
- php-curl
- php-sqlite3
- A google cloud platform project configured with translate and vision enable. (
- A free DeepL account if you prefer DeepL translation
- php-7.4-xml
- php-7.4-xmlrpc
- php-7.4-mbstring
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; // Autoload files using Composer autoload
use hcharbonnier\mangatranslation\MangaImage;
$trans=new MangaImage($argv[1]);
$trans->translate("google"); // possible values are "google" (default) or "deepl"
Then run:
$ php example.php image.jpg translated.jpg
Mangatranslation can be integrated with a custom frontend to perform better translation. This functions allow user to interact with the process:
$trans->get_blocks() : array
$trans->add_block($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$x3,$y3,$x4,$y4) : void
$trans->get_block_translation(int $id_block) : string
$trans->get_block_ocr(int $id_block) : string
//to be call BEFORE translate() !!!
$trans->set_block_translation(int $id_block,"Translated text") : void
$trans->set_cleaned_raw("toto_clean.jpg") : void