A triangle mesh data structure including basic operations. Use it to create, edit and compute on 3D models.
- The main struct Mesh implements the half-edge mesh data structure for easy and efficient traversal
- Half-edge walker to traverse the mesh
- Iterators over primitives (vertices, half-edges, edges, faces)
- Measures on vertices, edges and faces (e.g. position of vertex, area of face)
- Edit functionality (e.g. split edge, collapse edge, flip edge)
- Quality functionality (e.g. flip edges recursively to improve triangle quality, collapse small faces)
- Transformations affecting the vertex positions (e.g. moving a single vertex or rotate the entire mesh)
- Intersection functionality (e.g. face/ray intersection, edge/point intersection)
- Merge used for merging of entire meshes (e.g. append one mesh to another or merge overlapping primitives in a mesh)
- Split functionality (e.g. clone a subset of a mesh or split two meshes at their intersection)
- And more...
Please, see the documentation for more details.
Add the following to your Cargo.toml
tri-mesh = "0.5.0"
use tri_mesh::prelude::*;
fn main() {
// Construct a mesh from indices and positions buffers.
let indices: Vec<u32> = vec![0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 0, 3, 1];
let positions: Vec<f32> = vec![0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -0.5, -1.0, 0.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0];
let mesh = MeshBuilder::new().with_indices(indices).with_positions(positions).build().unwrap();
// Get the indices, positions and normal buffers
let indices_out = mesh.indices_buffer();
let positions_out = mesh.positions_buffer();
let normals_out = mesh.normals_buffer();
use tri_mesh::prelude::*;
fn main() {
// Construct any mesh, this time, we will construct a simple icosahedron
let mesh = MeshBuilder::new().icosahedron().build().unwrap();
// Compute the extreme coordinates which defines the axis aligned bounding box..
let (min_coordinates, max_coordinates) = mesh.extreme_coordinates();
// .. or construct an actual mesh representing the axis aligned bounding box
let aabb = mesh.axis_aligned_bounding_box();
// Export the bounding box to an obj file
std::fs::write("foo.obj", mesh.parse_as_obj()).unwrap();
use tri_mesh::prelude::*;
fn main() {
// Construct two meshes
let mut mesh1 = MeshBuilder::new().cube().build().unwrap();
let mut mesh2 = MeshBuilder::new().cube().build().unwrap();
mesh2.translate(vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5));
// Split the two meshes at their intersection creating two sets of sub meshes
let (mut meshes1, mut meshes2) = mesh1.split_at_intersection(&mut mesh2);
// Choose two sub meshes to merge (here we just choose one sub mesh from each of the original meshes)
let mut result = meshes1.first().unwrap().clone();
use tri_mesh::prelude::*;
fn main() {
// Construct any mesh, for simplicity, let's use a cube mesh
let mesh = MeshBuilder::new().cube().build().unwrap();
let mut curvature_measure = 0.0;
// Let's say that the curvature measure is a sum of a curvature measure for each vertex
// which means we need to visit all vertices
for vertex_id in mesh.vertex_iter()
// Let's say that to compute the curvature of one vertex we need to visit the neighbouring faces
// We will do that by iterating the half-edges pointing away from the vertex ..
let mut curvature_measure_vertex = 0.0;
for halfedge_id in mesh.vertex_halfedge_iter(vertex_id) {
// .. and then create a walker from that halfedge and then get the face pointed to by that walker
if let Some(face_id) = mesh.walker_from_halfedge(halfedge_id).face_id() {
// Finally, insert the code for computing your special vertex curvature measure right here!
// curvature_measure_vertex += ??;
curvature_measure += curvature_measure_vertex;