Pure as in pure Java / Kotlin, no xml or gui to configure.
The intention of this project is a simple, lightweight yet distributed finite state machine (FSM).
There are more advanced FSM / BPM frameworks out there but sometimes they can be seen as too heavyweight for certain applications.
The main problems that i've attempted to solve with this library is handling technical process flows between one or more systems.
Main objectives:
- Pure Java / Kotlin
- Stateless States / Events / State Machine, all except state machine transition / context
- State machine context is serializable to support distributed state machine processing (i.e. horizontally scalable)
- A single state machine can only process a single event at a time
- Once a State machine has transitioned into a Final State (either success / failure) it cannot be restarted.
- Each state can have its own timeout
- After a pre-determined amount of time, any state will be removed.
Basic concepts that exist are:
- Event, which may contain event data
- State, handle one or more events resulting in a transition to another state, possible itself.
- StateMachine, stateless object that orchestrates the lifecycle of event transition after processing an event.
- Transition, the only stateful object provided by PureFSM.
- Contains event transition information (including previous transition) and any other data (Context) the user requires between states.
Pluggable persistent layer (current implementations):
- InMemory (testing / single node)
- Distributed Hazelcast
- Distributed Mysql
Recharging a mobile phone via telco company
public sealed class TelcoState {
object InitialState : TelcoState()
object RechargeRequestedState : TelcoState()
object RechargeConfirmedFinalState : TelcoState(), FinalState
object TimeoutFinalState : TelcoState(), FinalState
object ErrorFinalState : TelcoState(), FinalState
public sealed class TelcoEvent {
class RechargeEvent(val amount: BigDecimal, val pins: List<String>) : TelcoEvent()
class RechargeConfirmEvent(val pins: List<String>) : TelcoEvent()
object TimeoutTick : TelcoEvent()
###State Machine
class TelcoStateMachine : StateMachine<TelcoEvent>() {
init {
onReceive(InitialState, { last, event ->
when (event) {
is RechargeEvent -> /*process, then*/ go(RechargeRequestedState, event, last.context)
is TimeoutTick -> checkTimeout(last)
else -> defaultHandle(last, event)
onReceive(RechargeRequestedState, { last, event ->
when (event) {
is RechargeConfirmEvent -> go(RechargeConfirmedFinalState, event, last.context)
is TimeoutTick -> checkTimeout(last)
else -> defaultHandle(last, event)
private fun checkTimeout(last: Transition) = if (isTimeout(last)) go(TimeoutFinalState, TimeoutTick, last.context) else stay(last.state, TimeoutTick, last.context)
private fun isTimeout(last: Transition) = LocalDateTime.now().isAfter(last.transitioned.plusSeconds(TIMEOUT_SECS))
private fun defaultHandle(last: Transition, event: TelcoEvent) = error(event, last.context)
###Process Event
Use WithinLock.tryWithinLock() to process an event within a distributed lock.
val next = tryWithLock(id, repository, { t -> stateMachine.handleEvent(t, RechargeEvent() })
- gui to help troubleshoot 'what happened' after the fact. i.e. inspect the immutable transition graph. fsm-post-analysis
- Improve state machine 'onUnhandled', 'onTransition', etc... available callback methods