Rerun potentially flakey protractor tests before failing.
npm i protractor-flake
# or globally for easier cli usage
npm i -g protractor-flake
Via the CLI:
npm i -g protractor-flake
# Full options
# protractor-flake <protractor-flake-options> -- <options to be passed to protractor>
protractor-flake --node-bin node --max-attempts=3 -- path/to/protractor.conf.js
Protractor flake expects protractor
to be on $PATH by default, but you can use the --protractor-path
argument to point to the protractor executable.
Or programmatically:
var protractorFlake = require('protractor-flake');
maxAttempts: 3,
// expects node to be in path
// set this to wherever the node bin is located
nodeBin: 'node',
protractorArgs: []
}, function (status, output) {
This has not yet been tested with Protractor + Mocha. It should function similarly. Please update with an issue or PR if this is not the case.
Tests will not re-run properly (all tests will run each time) if you use a custom reporter that does not log stacktraces for failed tests. For example, if you are using jasmine-spec-reporter with Jasmine 2.0, make sure to set displayStacktrace: 'specs'
or displayStacktrace: 'all'