A Ruby client for the NoSQL Graph/Document database Orient DB (orientdb.org).
see Wiki page for more sample at github.com/veny/orientdb4r/wiki
require 'orientdb4r' CLASS = 'myclass' client = Orientdb4r.client # equivalent for :host => 'localhost', :port => 2480, :ssl => false client.database_exists? :database => 'temp', :user => 'admin', :password => 'admin' => true client.connect :database => 'temp', :user => 'admin', :password => 'admin' unless client.class_exists? CLASS client.create_class(CLASS) do |c| c.property 'prop1', :integer, :notnull => true, :min => 1, :max => 99 c.property 'prop2', :string, :mandatory => true c.link 'users', :linkset, 'OUser' # by default: :mandatory => false, :notnull => false end end admin = client.query("SELECT FROM OUser WHERE name = 'admin'")[0] 1.upto(5) do |i| # insert link to admin only to first two client.command "INSERT INTO #{CLASS} (prop1, prop2, users) VALUES (#{i}, 'text#{i}', [#{admin['@rid'] if i<3}])" end puts client.query "SELECT FROM #{CLASS}" => {"@type"=>"d", "@rid"=>"#6:0", "@version"=>0, "@class"=>"myclass", "prop1"=>1, "prop2"=>"text1", "users"=>["#4:0"]} => {"@type"=>"d", "@rid"=>"#6:1", "@version"=>0, "@class"=>"myclass", "prop1"=>2, "prop2"=>"text2", "users"=>["#4:0"]} => {"@type"=>"d", "@rid"=>"#6:2", "@version"=>0, "@class"=>"myclass", "prop1"=>3, "prop2"=>"text3", "users"=>[]} => {"@type"=>"d", "@rid"=>"#6:3", "@version"=>0, "@class"=>"myclass", "prop1"=>4, "prop2"=>"text4", "users"=>[]} => {"@type"=>"d", "@rid"=>"#6:4", "@version"=>0, "@class"=>"myclass", "prop1"=>5, "prop2"=>"text5", "users"=>[]} puts client.query "SELECT count(*) FROM #{CLASS}" => {"@type"=>"d", "@version"=>0, "count"=>5, "@fieldTypes"=>"count=l"} puts client.query "SELECT max(prop1) FROM #{CLASS}" => {"@type"=>"d", "@version"=>0, "max"=>5} puts client.query "TRAVERSE any() FROM (SELECT FROM #{CLASS} WHERE prop1 = 1)" => {"@type"=>"d", "@rid"=>"#6:0", "@version"=>0, "@class"=>"myclass", "prop1"=>1, "prop2"=>"text1", "users"=>["#4:0"]} => {"@type"=>"d", "@rid"=>"#4:0", "@version"=>0, "@class"=>"OUser", "name"=>"admin", "password"=>"{SHA-256}8C6976E5B5410415BDE908BD4DEE15DFB167A9C873FC4BB8A81F6F2AB448A918", "status"=>"ACTIVE", "roles"=>["#3:0"]} => {"@type"=>"d", "@rid"=>"#3:0", "@version"=>0, "@class"=>"ORole", "name"=>"admin", "mode"=>1, "rules"=>{}, "@fieldTypes"=>"mode=b"} client.drop_class CLASS client.disconnect
> sudo gem install orientdb4r
gem published on rubygems.org/gems/orientdb4r
see changelog.txt
Supports only REST API right now
Tested on
Ruby 1.9.3
OrientDB 1.0.0
OrientDB 1.0.1
OrientDB 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT r5913+
In order to run the tests you only need to:
cd /path/to/repository rake test
Start an instance of OrientDB (on localhost with default web port 2480 and ‘admin/admin’ account) before running.
Apache License, Version 2.0, www.apache.org/licenses/
see LICENSE file for more details…