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[feat] add support for outputing json to cabal-audit
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MangoIV committed Mar 31, 2024
1 parent 9b6117c commit 78bf05a
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Showing 2 changed files with 57 additions and 23 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion code/cabal-audit/cabal-audit.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ tested-with:
common common-all
-Wall -Wcompat -Widentities -Wincomplete-record-updates
-Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wpartial-fields -Wredundant-constraints
-Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wredundant-constraints
-fmax-relevant-binds=0 -fno-show-valid-hole-fits

if impl(ghc >=9.6.1)
Expand All @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ common common-all

import: common-all
Expand All @@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ library

, aeson
, base <5
, Cabal
, cabal-install
Expand Down
76 changes: 54 additions & 22 deletions code/cabal-audit/src/Distribution/Audit.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,11 +6,13 @@
-- database
-- 3. summarise the found vulnerabilities as a humand readable or
-- otherwise formatted output
module Distribution.Audit (auditMain, buildAdvisories, AuditConfig (..), AuditException (..)) where
module Distribution.Audit (auditMain, buildAdvisories, AuditConfig (..), AuditException (..), Output (..)) where

import Colourista.Pure (blue, bold, formatWith, green, red, yellow)
import Control.Exception (Exception (displayException), SomeException (SomeException), catch, throwIO)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Aeson (KeyValue ((.=)), Value, object)
import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (runIdentity))
Expand All @@ -36,7 +38,8 @@ import Distribution.Version (Version, versionNumbers)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Options.Applicative
import Security.Advisories (Advisory (..), Keyword (..), ParseAdvisoryError, printHsecId)
import Security.Advisories.Cabal (ElaboratedPackageInfoAdvised, ElaboratedPackageInfoWith (elaboratedPackageVersion, packageAdvisories), matchAdvisoriesForPlan)
import Security.Advisories.Cabal (ElaboratedPackageInfoAdvised, ElaboratedPackageInfoWith (MkElaboratedPackageInfoWith, elaboratedPackageVersion, packageAdvisories), matchAdvisoriesForPlan)
import Security.Advisories.Convert.OSV qualified as OSV
import Security.Advisories.Filesystem (listAdvisories)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory)
Expand All @@ -45,9 +48,9 @@ import Validation (validation)

data AuditException
= -- | parsing the advisory database failed
ListAdvisoryValidationError FilePath [ParseAdvisoryError]
ListAdvisoryValidationError {originalFilePath :: FilePath, parseError :: [ParseAdvisoryError]}
| -- | to rethrow exceptions thrown by cabal during plan elaboration
CabalException String SomeException
CabalException {reason :: String, cabalException :: SomeException}
deriving stock (Show, Generic)

instance Exception AuditException where
Expand All @@ -65,29 +68,36 @@ instance Exception AuditException where
<> ":\n"
<> displayException ex

-- | the type of output that is chosen for the command
data Output
= -- | write humand readable to stdout
| -- | write as Osv format to the specified file
Osv {osvPath :: FilePath}

-- | configuration that is specific to the cabal audit command
data AuditConfig = MkAuditConfig
{ advisoriesPathOrURL :: Either FilePath String
-- ^ path or URL to the advisories
, verbosity :: Verbosity.Verbosity
-- ^ verbosity of cabal
, outputType :: Output

-- | the main action to invoke
auditMain :: IO ()
auditMain =
=<< uncurry buildAdvisories
=<< customExecParser (prefs showHelpOnEmpty) do
do helper <*> auditCommandParser
[ fullDesc
, progDesc (formatWith [blue] "audit your cabal projects for vulnerabilities")
, header (formatWith [bold, blue] "Welcome to cabal audit")
(auditConfig, nixStyleFlags) <- customExecParser (prefs showHelpOnEmpty) do
info (helper <*> auditCommandParser) do
[ fullDesc
, progDesc (formatWith [blue] "audit your cabal projects for vulnerabilities")
, header (formatWith [bold, blue] "Welcome to cabal audit")

buildAdvisories auditConfig nixStyleFlags
>>= handleBuiltAdvisories (outputType auditConfig)
`catch` \(SomeException ex) -> do
putStrLn $
Expand All @@ -105,15 +115,15 @@ buildAdvisories MkAuditConfig {advisoriesPathOrURL, verbosity} flags = do
`catch` \ex -> throwIO $ CabalException "trying to establish project base context" ex
`catch` \ex -> throwIO $ CabalException {reason = "trying to establish project base context", cabalException = ex}
-- the two plans are
-- 1. the "improved plan" with packages replaced by in-store packages
-- 2. the "original" elaborated plan
-- as far as I can tell, for our use case these should be indistinguishable
(_improvedPlan, plan, _, _, _) <-
rebuildInstallPlan verbosity distDirLayout cabalDirLayout projectConfig localPackages Nothing
`catch` \ex -> throwIO $ CabalException "elaborating the install-plan" ex
`catch` \ex -> throwIO $ CabalException {reason = "elaborating the install-plan", cabalException = ex}

when (verbosity > Verbosity.normal) do
putStrLn (formatWith [blue] "Finished building the cabal install plan, looking for advisories...")
Expand All @@ -134,8 +144,21 @@ buildAdvisories MkAuditConfig {advisoriesPathOrURL, verbosity} flags = do
-- | provides the built advisories in some consumable form, e.g. as human readable form
-- FUTUREWORK(mangoiv): provide output as JSON
handleBuiltAdvisories :: M.Map PackageName ElaboratedPackageInfoAdvised -> IO ()
handleBuiltAdvisories = humanReadableHandler . M.toList
handleBuiltAdvisories :: Output -> M.Map PackageName ElaboratedPackageInfoAdvised -> IO ()
handleBuiltAdvisories = \case
HumanReadable -> humanReadableHandler . M.toList
Osv fp -> osvHandler fp

osvHandler :: FilePath -> M.Map PackageName ElaboratedPackageInfoAdvised -> IO ()
osvHandler fp =
Aeson.encodeFile @Value fp . object . M.foldMapWithKey
\pn MkElaboratedPackageInfoWith {elaboratedPackageVersion, packageAdvisories} ->
[ fromString (unPackageName pn)
.= object
[ "version" .= prettyVersion @Text elaboratedPackageVersion
, "advisories" .= map (OSV.convert . fst) (runIdentity packageAdvisories)

-- | pretty-prints a `Version`
Expand All @@ -153,13 +176,12 @@ prettyAdvisory Advisory {advisoryId, advisoryPublished, advisoryKeywords, adviso
(" " <>)
[ formatWith [bold, blue] hsecId <> " \"" <> advisorySummary <> "\""
, "published: " <> formatWith [bold] (ps advisoryPublished)
, "published: " <> formatWith [bold] (T.pack $ show advisoryPublished)
, "" <> hsecId
, fixAvailable
, formatWith [blue] $ T.intercalate ", " (coerce advisoryKeywords)
ps = T.pack . show
fixAvailable = case mfv of
Nothing -> formatWith [bold, red] "No fix version available"
Just fv -> formatWith [bold, green] "Fix available since version " <> formatWith [yellow] (prettyVersion fv)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -190,7 +212,7 @@ auditCommandParser =
[ long "file-path"
, short 'p'
, metavar "FILE_PATH"
, metavar "FILEPATH"
, help "the path the the repository containing an advisories directory"
<|> Right
Expand All @@ -209,6 +231,16 @@ auditCommandParser =
"verbose" -> Right Verbosity.verbose
"deafening" -> Right Verbosity.deafening
_ -> Left "verbosity has to be one of \"silent\", \"normal\", \"verbose\" or \"deafening\""
<*> do
<$> strOption do
[ long "osv"
, short 'o'
, metavar "FILEPATH"
, help "whether to print to a file of osv, mapping package name and version to an osv"
<|> pure HumanReadable
-- FUTUREWORK(mangoiv): this will accept cabal flags as an additional argument with something like
-- --cabal-flags "--some-cabal-flag" and print a helper that just forwards the cabal help text
<*> pure (defaultNixStyleFlags ())

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