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feature: add hsec-sync status
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blackheaven committed Mar 29, 2024
1 parent 4e860ce commit 5d3aea9
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Showing 4 changed files with 138 additions and 59 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions code/hsec-sync/app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ cliOpts = info (commandsParser <**> helper) (fullDesc <> header "Haskell Advisor
commandsParser =
( command "sync" (info commandSync (progDesc "Synchronize a local Haskell Security Advisory repository"))
<> command "status" (info commandStatus (progDesc "Check the status of a local Haskell Security Advisory repository"))

commandSync :: Parser (IO ())
Expand All @@ -44,6 +45,18 @@ commandSync = go <$> repositoryParser
Updated -> "Repository updated"
AlreadyUpToDate -> "Repository already up-to-date"

commandStatus :: Parser (IO ())
commandStatus = go <$> repositoryParser
go repo = do
result <- status repo
putStrLn $
case result of
DirectoryMissing -> "Directory is missing"
DirectoryEmpty -> "Directory is empty"
DirectoryUpToDate -> "Repository is up-to-date"
DirectoryOutDated -> "Repository is out-dated"

repositoryParser :: Parser Repository
repositoryParser =
Expand Down
47 changes: 38 additions & 9 deletions code/hsec-sync/src/Security/Advisories/Sync.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ module Security.Advisories.Sync
SyncStatus (..),
RepositoryStatus (..),

Expand All @@ -20,7 +22,8 @@ data SyncStatus

sync :: Repository -> IO (Either String SyncStatus)
sync repo = do
ensured <- ensureGitRepositoryWithRemote repo
gitStatus <- gitRepositoryStatus repo
ensured <- ensureGitRepositoryWithRemote repo gitStatus
let mkGitError = Left . explainGitError
case ensured of
Left e -> return $ mkGitError e
Expand All @@ -29,14 +32,40 @@ sync repo = do
GitRepositoryCreated ->
return $ Right Created
GitRepositoryExisting -> do
gitInfo <- getDirectoryGitInfo $ repositoryRoot repo
case gitInfo of
Left e -> return $ mkGitError e
Right info -> do
update <- latestUpdate (repositoryUrl repo) (repositoryBranch repo)
if update == Right (zonedTimeToUTC $ lastModificationCommitDate info)
then return $ Right AlreadyUpToDate
else either mkGitError (const $ Right Updated) <$> updateGitRepository repo
repoStatus <- status' repo gitStatus
if repoStatus == DirectoryOutDated
then either mkGitError (const $ Right Updated) <$> updateGitRepository repo
else return $ Right AlreadyUpToDate

data RepositoryStatus
= DirectoryMissing
| DirectoryEmpty
| DirectoryUpToDate
| DirectoryOutDated
deriving stock (Eq, Show)

status :: Repository -> IO RepositoryStatus
status repo =
status' repo =<< gitRepositoryStatus repo

status' :: Repository -> GitRepositoryStatus -> IO RepositoryStatus
status' repo gitStatus = do
case gitStatus of
GitDirectoryMissing ->
return DirectoryMissing
GitDirectoryEmpty ->
return DirectoryEmpty
GitDirectoryInitialized -> do
gitInfo <- getDirectoryGitInfo $ repositoryRoot repo
case gitInfo of
Left _ ->
return DirectoryOutDated
Right info -> do
update <- latestUpdate (repositoryUrl repo) (repositoryBranch repo)
return $
if update == Right (zonedTimeToUTC $ lastModificationCommitDate info)
then DirectoryUpToDate
else DirectoryOutDated

defaultRepository :: Repository
defaultRepository =
Expand Down
96 changes: 60 additions & 36 deletions code/hsec-sync/src/Security/Advisories/Sync/Git.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}

-- |
Expand All @@ -9,10 +10,12 @@ module Security.Advisories.Sync.Git
GitErrorCase (..),
Repository (..),
GitRepositoryStatus (..),
GitRepositoryEnsuredStatus (..),
GitRepositoryStatus (..),

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,18 +68,12 @@ data Repository = Repository

data GitRepositoryStatus
= GitRepositoryCreated
| GitRepositoryExisting
= GitDirectoryMissing
| GitDirectoryEmpty
| GitDirectoryInitialized

ensureGitRepositoryWithRemote :: Repository -> IO (Either GitError GitRepositoryStatus)
ensureGitRepositoryWithRemote repo = do
let clone = do
(cmd, status, stdout, stderr) <-
runGit ["clone", "-b", repositoryBranch repo, repositoryUrl repo, repositoryRoot repo]
return $
if status /= ExitSuccess
then Left $ GitError cmd $ GitProcessError status stdout stderr
else Right GitRepositoryCreated
gitRepositoryStatus :: Repository -> IO GitRepositoryStatus
gitRepositoryStatus repo = do
exists <- D.doesDirectoryExist $ repositoryRoot repo
if exists
then D.withCurrentDirectory (repositoryRoot repo) $ do
Expand All @@ -85,37 +82,64 @@ ensureGitRepositoryWithRemote repo = do
let out = filter (not . null) $ lines checkStdout
case checkStatus of
| not (null out) && head out == "true" -> do
_ <- runGit ["remote", "add", "origin", repositoryUrl repo] -- can fail if it exists
(setUrlCmd, setUrlStatus, setUrlStdout, setUrlStderr) <-
runGit ["remote", "set-url", "origin", repositoryUrl repo]
return $
if setUrlStatus /= ExitSuccess
then Left $ GitError setUrlCmd $ GitProcessError setUrlStatus setUrlStdout setUrlStderr
else Right GitRepositoryExisting
| not (null out) && head out == "true" ->
return GitDirectoryInitialized
_ ->
else clone
return GitDirectoryEmpty
else return GitDirectoryMissing

data GitRepositoryEnsuredStatus
= GitRepositoryCreated
| GitRepositoryExisting

ensureGitRepositoryWithRemote ::
Repository ->
GitRepositoryStatus ->
IO (Either GitError GitRepositoryEnsuredStatus)
ensureGitRepositoryWithRemote repo =
GitDirectoryMissing ->
GitDirectoryEmpty ->
GitDirectoryInitialized ->
return $ Right GitRepositoryExisting
clone = do
(cmd, status, stdout, stderr) <-
runGit ["clone", "-b", repositoryBranch repo, repositoryUrl repo, repositoryRoot repo]
return $
if status /= ExitSuccess
then Left $ GitError cmd $ GitProcessError status stdout stderr
else Right GitRepositoryCreated

updateGitRepository :: Repository -> IO (Either GitError ())
updateGitRepository repo =
D.withCurrentDirectory (repositoryRoot repo) $ do
(fetchAllCmd, fetchAllStatus, fetchAllStdout, fetchAllStderr) <-
runGit ["fetch", "--all"]
if fetchAllStatus /= ExitSuccess
then return $ Left $ GitError fetchAllCmd $ GitProcessError fetchAllStatus fetchAllStdout fetchAllStderr
_ <- runGit ["remote", "add", "origin", repositoryUrl repo] -- can fail if it exists
(setUrlCmd, setUrlStatus, setUrlStdout, setUrlStderr) <-
runGit ["remote", "set-url", "origin", repositoryUrl repo]
if setUrlStatus /= ExitSuccess
then return $ Left $ GitError setUrlCmd $ GitProcessError setUrlStatus setUrlStdout setUrlStderr
else do
(checkoutBranchCmd, checkoutBranchStatus, checkoutBranchStdout, checkoutBranchStderr) <-
runGit ["checkout", repositoryBranch repo]
if checkoutBranchStatus /= ExitSuccess
then return $ Left $ GitError checkoutBranchCmd $ GitProcessError checkoutBranchStatus checkoutBranchStdout checkoutBranchStderr
(fetchAllCmd, fetchAllStatus, fetchAllStdout, fetchAllStderr) <-
runGit ["fetch", "--all"]
if fetchAllStatus /= ExitSuccess
return $ Left $ GitError fetchAllCmd $ GitProcessError fetchAllStatus fetchAllStdout fetchAllStderr
else do
(resetCmd, resetStatus, resetStdout, resetStderr) <-
runGit ["reset", "--hard", "origin/" <> repositoryBranch repo]
return $
if resetStatus /= ExitSuccess
then Left $ GitError resetCmd $ GitProcessError resetStatus resetStdout resetStderr
else Right ()
(checkoutBranchCmd, checkoutBranchStatus, checkoutBranchStdout, checkoutBranchStderr) <-
runGit ["checkout", repositoryBranch repo]
if checkoutBranchStatus /= ExitSuccess
return $ Left $ GitError checkoutBranchCmd $ GitProcessError checkoutBranchStatus checkoutBranchStdout checkoutBranchStderr
else do
(resetCmd, resetStatus, resetStdout, resetStderr) <-
runGit ["reset", "--hard", "origin/" <> repositoryBranch repo]
return $
if resetStatus /= ExitSuccess
then Left $ GitError resetCmd $ GitProcessError resetStatus resetStdout resetStderr
else Right ()

newtype GitDirectoryInfo = GitDirectoryInfo
{ lastModificationCommitDate :: ZonedTime
Expand Down
41 changes: 27 additions & 14 deletions code/hsec-sync/test/Spec/SyncSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,36 +20,49 @@ spec =
[ testGroup
[ testCase "Invalid root should fail" $ do
result <- sync $ withRepositoryAt "/x/y/z"
first (const ("<Redacted error>" :: String)) result @?= Left "<Redacted error>",
let repo = withRepositoryAt "/dev/advisories"
status repo >>= (@?= DirectoryMissing)
result <- sync repo
first (const ("<Redacted error>" :: String)) result @?= Left "<Redacted error>"
status repo >>= (@?= DirectoryMissing),
testCase "Subdirectory creation should work" $
withSystemTempDirectory "hsec-sync" $ \p -> do
result <- sync $ withRepositoryAt $ p </> "repo"
result @?= Right Created,
let repo = withRepositoryAt $ p </> "repo"
status repo >>= (@?= DirectoryMissing)
result <- sync repo
result @?= Right Created
status repo >>= (@?= DirectoryUpToDate),
testCase "With existing subdirectory creation should work" $
withSystemTempDirectory "hsec-sync" $ \p -> do
D.createDirectory $ p </> "repo"
result <- sync $ withRepositoryAt $ p </> "repo"
let repo = withRepositoryAt $ p </> "repo"
result <- sync repo
result @?= Right Created,
testCase "Sync twice should be a no-op" $
withSystemTempDirectory "hsec-sync" $ \p -> do
resultCreate <- sync $ withRepositoryAt p
let repo = withRepositoryAt p
status repo >>= (@?= DirectoryEmpty)
resultCreate <- sync repo
resultCreate @?= Right Created
resultResync <- sync $ withRepositoryAt p
resultResync <- sync repo
resultResync @?= Right AlreadyUpToDate,
testCase "Sync behind should update" $
withSystemTempDirectory "hsec-sync" $ \p -> do
resultCreate <- sync $ withRepositoryAt p
let repo = withRepositoryAt p
resultCreate <- sync repo
resultCreate @?= Right Created
D.withCurrentDirectory p $ do
(status, _, _) <-
(statusReset, _, _) <-
readProcessWithExitCode "git" ["reset", "--hard", "HEAD~50"] ""
status @?= ExitSuccess
resultResync <- sync $ withRepositoryAt p
resultResync @?= Right Updated,
statusReset @?= ExitSuccess
status repo >>= (@?= DirectoryOutDated)
resultResync <- sync repo
resultResync @?= Right Updated
status repo >>= (@?= DirectoryUpToDate),
testCase "Sync behind and changed remote should update" $
withSystemTempDirectory "hsec-sync" $ \p -> do
resultCreate <- sync $ withRepositoryAt p
let repo = withRepositoryAt p
resultCreate <- sync repo
resultCreate @?= Right Created
D.withCurrentDirectory p $ do
(statusReset, _, _) <-
Expand All @@ -58,7 +71,7 @@ spec =
(statusRemote, _, _) <-
readProcessWithExitCode "git" ["remote", "rename", "origin", "old"] ""
statusRemote @?= ExitSuccess
resultResync <- sync $ withRepositoryAt p
resultResync <- sync repo
resultResync @?= Right Updated
Expand Down

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