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mpickering authored and alt-romes committed Mar 11, 2024
1 parent f9187e2 commit 6051bf6
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Showing 11 changed files with 103 additions and 26 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Cabal-syntax/src/Distribution/Types/Dependency.hs
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Expand Up @@ -68,9 +68,11 @@ instance Parsec PrivateDependency where
instance Pretty PrivateDependency where
pretty (PrivateDependency alias deps) = PP.hsep [pretty alias, PP.text "with", PP.parens (PP.hsep (PP.punctuate PP.comma (map pretty deps)))]

-- Footgun
flattenPrivateDepends :: Dependencies -> [Dependency]
flattenPrivateDepends (Dependencies _ priv) = concatMap private_depends priv

-- Footgun
allDependencies :: Dependencies -> [Dependency]
allDependencies (Dependencies pub priv) = pub ++ concatMap private_depends priv

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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/Setup/Config.hs
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Expand Up @@ -905,7 +905,6 @@ showProfDetailLevelFlag (Flag dl) = [showProfDetailLevel dl]
parsecAliasDependency :: ParsecParser AliasDependency
parsecAliasDependency = do
pn <- parsec
traceShowM pn
_ <- P.char '='
gc <- parsecGivenComponent
return $ AliasDependency pn gc
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Expand Up @@ -34,23 +34,23 @@ convCP iidx sidx (CP qpi fa es ds) =
Left pi -> PreExisting $
InstSolverPackage {
instSolverPkgIPI = fromJust $ SI.lookupUnitId iidx pi,
instSolverPkgLibDeps = fmap (\(b, _) -> map fst b) ds',
instSolverPkgExeDeps = fmap (\(_, c) -> c) ds'
instSolverPkgLibDeps = fmap (\(b, _) -> map fst b) (ds' Nothing),
instSolverPkgExeDeps = fmap (\(_, c) -> c) (ds' Nothing)
Right pi -> Configured $
SolverPackage {
solverPkgSource = srcpkg,
solverPkgFlags = fa,
solverPkgStanzas = es,
solverPkgLibDeps = fmap (\(b, _) -> b) ds',
solverPkgExeDeps = fmap (\(_, c) -> c) ds'
solverPkgLibDeps = fmap (\(b, _) -> b) (ds' (Just (pkgName pi))),
solverPkgExeDeps = fmap (\(_, c) -> c) (ds' (Just (pkgName pi)))
srcpkg = fromMaybe (error "convCP: lookupPackageId failed") $ CI.lookupPackageId sidx pi

ds' :: ComponentDeps (([(SolverId, Maybe PrivateAlias)] {- lib -}, [SolverId] {- exe -}))
ds' = fmap (partitionDeps . map convConfId) ds
ds' :: Maybe PackageName -> ComponentDeps (([(SolverId, Maybe PrivateAlias)] {- lib -}, [SolverId] {- exe -}))
ds' pn = fmap (partitionDeps . map (convConfId pn)) ds

partitionDeps :: [Converted] -> (([(SolverId, Maybe PrivateAlias)], [SolverId]))
partitionDeps [] = ([], [])
Expand All @@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ convPI (PI (Q _ pn) (I v _)) = Right (PackageIdentifier pn v)

data Converted = NormalPkg SolverId | NormalExe SolverId | AliasPkg SolverId PrivateAlias

convConfId :: PI QPN -> Converted
convConfId (PI (Q (PackagePath ns qn) pn) (I v loc)) =
convConfId :: Maybe PackageName -> PI QPN -> Converted
convConfId parent (PI (Q (PackagePath ns qn) pn) (I v loc)) =
case loc of
Inst pi -> NormalPkg (PreExistingId sourceId pi)
Expand All @@ -82,7 +82,10 @@ convConfId (PI (Q (PackagePath ns qn) pn) (I v loc)) =
-- silly and didn't allow arbitrarily nested build-tools
-- dependencies, so a shallow check works.
, pn == pn' -> NormalExe (PlannedId sourceId)
| QualAlias _ _ alias _ <- qn -> AliasPkg (PlannedId sourceId) alias
-- Same reasoning as for exes, the "top" qualified goal is the one
-- which is private and needs to be aliased, but there might be other goals underneath which
-- are solved in the same scope (but are not private)
| QualAlias pn' _ alias _ <- qn, parent == Just pn' -> AliasPkg (PlannedId sourceId) alias
| otherwise -> NormalPkg (PlannedId sourceId)
sourceId = PackageIdentifier pn v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ qualifyDeps QO{..} (Q pp@(PackagePath ns q) pn) = go
| Private (qpn, pkgs) <- is_private = Dep (Q (PackagePath ns (QualAlias pn comp qpn pkgs)) <$> dep) is_private ci
| qBase qpn = Dep (Q (PackagePath ns (QualBase pn)) <$> dep) is_private ci
| qSetup comp = Dep (Q (PackagePath (IndependentComponent pn ComponentSetup) QualToplevel) <$> dep) is_private ci
| otherwise = Dep (Q (PackagePath ns inheritedQ ) <$> dep) is_private ci
| otherwise = Dep (Q (PackagePath ns (inheritedQ qpn) ) <$> dep) is_private ci

-- pkg:lib-foo depends on: a
Expand All @@ -230,12 +230,16 @@ qualifyDeps QO{..} (Q pp@(PackagePath ns q) pn) = go
-- The inherited qualifier is only used for regular dependencies; for setup
-- and base dependencies we override the existing qualifier. See #3160 for
-- a detailed discussion.
inheritedQ :: Qualifier
inheritedQ = case q of
inheritedQ :: PackageName -> Qualifier
inheritedQ pn = case q of
QualToplevel -> QualToplevel
QualBase {} -> QualToplevel
-- MP: TODO, check if package name is in same scope (if so, persist)
QualAlias {} -> QualToplevel
QualAlias _ _ _ pkgs ->
if pn `elem` pkgs
then traceShow ("INHERITED", pn, pkgs) q
else QualToplevel
-- traceShow (alias, pkgs) QualToplevel

-- Should we qualify this goal with the 'Base' package path?
qBase :: PN -> Bool
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Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ module Distribution.Solver.Modular.Preference
, onlyConstrained
, sortGoals
, pruneAfterFirstSuccess
, rewriteQPN
) where

import Prelude ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -359,6 +360,14 @@ onlyConstrained p = go
go x
= x

rewriteQPN :: Show d => EndoTreeTrav d QGoalReason
rewriteQPN = go
go x = x

-- | Sort all goals using the provided function.
sortGoals :: (Variable QPN -> Variable QPN -> Ordering) -> EndoTreeTrav d c
sortGoals variableOrder = go
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Expand Up @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ import Distribution.Simple.Setup (BooleanFlag(..))
import qualified Distribution.Solver.Modular.ConflictSet as CS
import qualified Distribution.Solver.Modular.WeightedPSQ as W
import qualified Distribution.Deprecated.Text as T
--import qualified Distribution.Deprecated.Text as T

import Debug.Trace.Tree (gtraceJson)
import Debug.Trace.Tree.Simple
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,7 +143,8 @@ solve sc cinfo idx pkgConfigDB userPrefs userConstraints userGoals =
OnlyConstrainedAll ->
P.onlyConstrained pkgIsExplicit
OnlyConstrainedNone ->
id) . prunePhase2
prunePhase2 = P.rewriteQPN
buildPhase = buildTree idx (independentGoals sc) (S.toList userGoals)

allExplicit = M.keysSet userConstraints `S.union` userGoals
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,7 +202,7 @@ instance GSimpleTree (Tree d c) where

-- Show package choice
goP :: QPN -> POption -> Tree d c -> (String, SimpleTree)
goP _ (POption (I ver _loc) Nothing) subtree = (T.display ver, go subtree)
goP _ (POption (I ver _loc) Nothing) subtree = (show ver, go subtree)
goP (Q _ pn) (POption _ (Just pp)) subtree = (showQPN (Q pp pn), go subtree)

-- Show flag or stanza choice
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion cabal-install-solver/src/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Tree.hs
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Expand Up @@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ data Tree d c =

-- | We failed to find a solution in this path through the tree
| Fail ConflictSet FailReason
deriving (Show)

-- | A package option is a package instance with an optional linking annotation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ data TreeF d c a =
| GoalChoiceF RevDepMap (PSQ (Goal QPN) a)
| DoneF RevDepMap d
| FailF ConflictSet FailReason
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Show)

out :: Tree d c -> TreeF d c (Tree d c)
out (PChoice p s i ts) = PChoiceF p s i ts
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Expand Up @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ scopeToPackageName (ScopePrivate _ _ pn) = pn

-- TOOD: Crucial
constraintScopeMatches :: ConstraintScope -> QPN -> Bool
constraintScopeMatches cs qpn | traceShow (cs, qpn) False = undefined
--constraintScopeMatches cs qpn | traceShow (cs, qpn) False = undefined
constraintScopeMatches (ScopeTarget pn) (Q (PackagePath ns q) pn') =
let namespaceMatches DefaultNamespace = True
namespaceMatches (Independent namespacePn) = pn == namespacePn
Expand Down
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions cabal-install-solver/src/Distribution/Solver/Types/PackagePath.hs
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Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ data Namespace =

-- | A goal which is solved per-package
-- `--independent-goals`
| Independent PackageName

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,6 +67,67 @@ data Qualifier =
-- A goal which is solved per-component
| QualAlias PackageName Component PrivateAlias [PackageName]

-- package: qux
-- :build-depends: foo, baz
-- package: baz
-- :build-depends: wurble
-- PackagePath DefaultNamespace QualToplevel "foo"
-- => PackagePath DefaultNamespace QualToplevel "wurble"
-- PackagePath DefaultNamespace QualToplevel "baz"
-- PackagePath DefaultNamespace QualToplevel "wurble"
-- package: qux
-- :private-build-depends: G0 with (foo == 0.3, baz == 0.5)
-- :private-build-depends: G1 with (foo == 0.4, baz)
-- package: foo
-- :build-depends: baz >= 0.5
-- PackagePath DefaultNamespace (QualAlias "qux" "MainLib" "G0" [foo, baz]) "foo" (== 0.3)
---- => PackagePath DefaultNamespace (QualAlias "qux" "MainLib" "G0") "baz" (>= 0.5)
-- => PackagePath DefaultNamespace QualTopLevel "baz" (>= 0.5)
-- PackagePath DefaultNamespace (QualAlias "qux" "MainLib" "G0") "baz" == 0.5
-- =>>> PackagePath DefaultNamespace (QualAlias "qux" "MainLib" "G0") "baz" =>> 0.5
-- =>>> PackagePath DefaultNamespace QualTopLevel "baz" =>> 0.6
-- package a
-- :private-build-depends: G0 with (b, d)
-- package b-0.1
-- :build-depends: x
-- package b-0.2
-- :build-depends: x, d
-- package b-0.3
-- :build-depends: x, c, d
-- package c-0.1
-- :build-depends: x
-- package c-0.2
-- :build-depends: x, d
-- Closure property violated by `b == 0.3` and `c == 0.2` THEN closure property is violated.
-- Need to be able to implicitly introduce c into the private scope so that the closure property holds.
-- PackagePath DefaultNamespace (QualAlias "qux" "MainLib" "G1" ) "foo"
-- PackagePath DefaultNamespace (QualAlias "qux" "MainLib" "G1") "baz"
-- package: baz
-- :build-depends: wurble

-- | Setup dependency
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Expand Up @@ -17,13 +17,10 @@ import Distribution.Package (PackageId, Package(..), UnitId)
data SolverId = PreExistingId { solverSrcId :: PackageId, solverInstId :: UnitId }
| PlannedId { solverSrcId :: PackageId }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Show)

instance Binary SolverId
instance Structured SolverId

instance Show SolverId where
show = show . solverSrcId

instance Package SolverId where
packageId = solverSrcId
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions cabal-install/src/Distribution/Client/ProjectPlanning.hs
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Expand Up @@ -1873,7 +1873,7 @@ elaborateInstallPlan
external_lib_dep_sids = (== compSolverName) deps0
external_exe_dep_sids = (== compSolverName) exe_deps0

external_lib_dep_pkgs = [ (d, alias) | (sid, alias) <- external_lib_dep_sids, d <- mapDep sid ]
external_lib_dep_pkgs = Debug.Trace.traceShow ("SIDS", external_lib_dep_sids) [ (d, alias) | (sid, alias) <- external_lib_dep_sids, d <- mapDep sid ]

external_exe_dep_pkgs_raw = [ (d, Nothing) | sid <- external_exe_dep_sids, d <- mapDep sid ]

Expand All @@ -1894,8 +1894,7 @@ elaborateInstallPlan
exe_map1 = Map.union external_exe_map $ fmap (\x -> [x]) exe_map

external_lib_cc_map =
Map.fromListWith Map.union $
map mkCCMapping external_lib_dep_pkgs
Map.fromListWith Map.union (map mkCCMapping external_lib_dep_pkgs)
external_exe_cc_map =
Map.fromListWith Map.union $
map mkCCMapping external_exe_dep_pkgs
Expand Down

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